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intelligent and the most obscurantist - something

which is perhaps hardly to be called religion,

since it is merely a focusing of attention upon wellascertained

facts. I should seek to make young

people vividly aware of the past, vividly realising

that the future of man will in all likelihood be

immeasurably longer than his past, profoundly

conscious of the minuteness of the planet upon

which we live and of the fact that life on this planet

is only a temporary incident; and at the same time

with these facts which tend to emphasise the

insignificance of the individual I should present

quite another set of facts designed to impress upon

the mind of the young the greatness of which the

individual is capable, and the knowledge that

throughout all the depths of stellar space nothing of

equal value is known to us. Spinoza long ago

wrote of human bondage and human freedom; his

form and his language make his thought difficult of

access to all but students of philosophy, but the

essence of what I wish to convey differs little from

what he has said.

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