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believe that this pessimism had any metaphysical

cause. Its causes were war, poverty, and violence.

One of Mr Krutch’s most pathetic chapters deals

with the subject of love. It appears that the

Victorians thought very highly of it, but that we

with our modern sophistication have come to see

through it.

‘For the more skeptical of the Victorians, love

performed some of the functions of the God whom

they had lost. Faced with it, many of even the most

hard-headed turned, for the moment; mystical. They

found themselves in the presence of something

which awoke in them that sense of reverence

which nothing else claimed, and something to

which they felt, even in the very depth of their

being, that an unquestioning loyalty was due. For

them love, like God, demanded all sacrifices; but

like Him, also, it rewarded the believer by

investing all the phenomena of life with a meaning

not yet analysed away. We have grown used -

more than they - to a Godless universe, but we are

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