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The little boys of London town

They run with sticks to knock them down.

And then they run from hedge to hedge

Until they come to London Bridge.

Paul’s steeple is gone, and I do not know at what

date the hedges disappeared between St Paul’s and

London Bridge. It is many centuries since the little

boys of London town could enjoy such pleasures

as this rhyme suggests, but until not so very long

ago the bulk of the population lived in the country.

The towns were not very vast; it was easy to get

out of them, and by no means uncommon to find

gardens attached to many houses in them.

Nowadays there is in England an immense

preponderance of the urban over the rural

population. In America this preponderance is as

yet slight, but it is very rapidly increasing. Cities

like London and New York are so large that it

takes a very long time to get out of them. Those

who live in the city usually have to be content with

a flat, to which, of course, not a square inch of soil

is attached, and in which people of moderate

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