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Chapter 12: Affection

One of the chief causes of lack of zest is the feeling

that one is unloved, whereas conversely the feeling

of being loved promotes zest more than anything

else does. A man may have the feeling of being

unloved for a variety of reasons. He may consider

himself such a dreadful person that no one could

possibly love him; he may in childhood have had

to accustom himself to receiving less love than fell

to the share of other children; or he may in fact be

a person whom nobody loves. But in this latter

event the cause probably lies in a lack of selfconfidence

due to early misfortune. The man who

feels himself unloved may take various attitudes as

a result. He may make desperate efforts to win

affection, probably by means of exceptional acts of

kindness. In this, however, he is very likely to be

unsuccessful, since the motive of the kindnesses is

easily perceived by their beneficiaries, and human

nature is so constructed that it gives affection most

readily to those who seem least to demand it. The

man, therefore, who endeavours to purchase

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