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occasion to visit an aristocratic chateau.

Among average respectable women envy plays an

extraordinarily large part. If you are sitting in the

underground and a well-dressed woman happens

to walk along the car, watch the eyes of the other

women. You will see that every one of then, with

the possible exception of those who are better

dressed, will watch the woman with malevolent

glances, and will be struggling to draw inferences

derogatory to her. The love of scandal is an

expression of this general malevolence: any story

against another woman is instantly believed, even

on the flimsiest evidence. A lofty morality serves

the same purpose: those who have a chance to sin

against it are envied, and it is considered virtuous

to punish them for their sins. This particular form

of virtue is certainly its own reward.

Exactly the same thing, however, is to be observed

among men, except that women regard all other

women as their competitors, whereas men as a rule

only have this feeling towards other men in the

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