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Chapter 15: Impersonal interests

In this chapter I wish to consider not those major

interests about which a man’ s life is built, but

those minor interests which fill his leisure and

afford relaxation from the tenseness of his more

serious preoccupations. In the life of the average

man his wife and children, his work and his

financial position occupy the main part of his

anxious and serious thought. Even if he has extramatrimonial

love affairs, they probably do not

concern him as profoundly in themselves as in their

possible effects upon his home life. The interests

which are bound up with his work I am not for the

present regarding as impersonal interests. A man

of science, for example, must keep abreast of

research in his own line. Towards such research

his feelings have the warmth and vividness

belonging to something intimately concerned with

his career, but if he reads about research in some

quite other science with which he is not

professionally concerned he reads in quite a

different spirit, not professionally, less critically,

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