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cases are exceptional. Most people are not rich;

many people are not born good-natured; many

people have uneasy passions which make a quiet

and well-regulated life seem intolerably boring;

health is a blessing which no one can be sure of

preserving; marriage is not invariably a source of

bliss. For all these reasons, happiness must be, for

most men and women, an achievement rather than a

gift of the gods, and in this achievement effort, both

inward and outward, must play a great part. The

inward effort may include the effort of necessary

resignation; for the present, therefore, let us

consider only outward effort.

In the case of any person, whether man or woman,

who has to work for a living, the need of effort in

this respect is too obvious to need emphasising.

The Indian fakir, it is true, can make a living

without effort by merely offering a bowl for the

alms of the faithful, but in Western countries the

authorities do not view with a favourable eye this

method of obtaining an income. Moreover, the

climate makes it less pleasant than in hotter and

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