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are a genius while your friends suspect that you are

not. The test is this: do you produce because you

feel an urgent compulsion to express certain ideas

or feelings, or are you actuated by the desire for

applause? In the genuine artist the desire for

applause, while it usually exists strongly, is

secondary, in the sense that the artist wishes to

produce a certain kind of work, and hopes that that

work may be applauded, but will not alter his style

even if no applause is forthcoming. The man, on

the other hand, to whom the desire for applause is

the primary motive, has no force within himself

urging him to a particular kind of expression, and

could therefore just as well do work of some

wholly different kind. Such a man, if he fails to

win applause by his art, had better give it up. And,

speaking more generally, whatever your line in life

may be, if you find that others do not rate your

abilities as highly as you do yourself, do not be too

sure that it is they who are mistaken. If you allow

yourself to think this, you may easily fall into the

belief that there is a conspiracy to prevent the

recognition of your merit, and this belief is pretty

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