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that it has become too much a training in the

acquisition of certain kinds of skill, and too little

an enlargement of the mind and heart by any

impartial survey of the world. You become

absorbed, let us say, in a political contest, and

work hard for the victory of your own party. So

far, so good. But it may happen in the course of the

contest that some opportunity of victory presents

itself which involves the use of methods calculated

to increase hatred, violence and suspicion in the

world. For example, you may find that the best

road to victory is to insult some foreign nation. If

your mental purview is limited to the present, or if

you have imbibed the doctrine that what is called

efficiency is the only thing that matters, you will

adopt such dubious means. Through them you will

be victorious in your immediate purpose, while the

more distant consequences may be disastrous. If,

on the other hand, you have as part of the habitual

furniture of your mind the past ages of man, his

slow and partial emergence out of barbarism, and

the brevity of his total existence in comparison

with astronomical epochs - if, I say, such thoughts

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