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beneficent activities appear to be the least aware

of any occasion for gratitude.

One used to find the same kind of attitude on the

part of mistresses towards domestic servants

whose morals they safeguarded. But is these days

the servant problem has become so acute that this

form of kindness to maids has become less


In the higher walks of politics the same sort of

thing occurs. The statesman who has gradually

concentrated all power within himself in order that

he may be able to carry out the high and noble aims

which have led him to eschew comfort and enter

the arena of public life, is amazed at the ingratitude

of the people when they turn against him. It never

occurs to him that his work may have had anything

but a public motive, or that the pleasure of

controlling affairs may have in any degree inspired

his activities. The phrases which are customary on

the platform and in the Party Press have gradually

come to him to seem to express truths, and he

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