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the individual.

I would give as an example of what I mean Ernst

Toller’s Massemensch. I do not maintain that this

work is as good as the best that has been done in

the best ages in the past, but I do maintain that it is

justly comparable; it is noble, profound and actual,

concerned with heroic action, and ‘purging the

reader through pity and terror’, as Aristotle said it

should. There are as yet few examples of this

modern kind of tragedy, since the old technique

and the old traditions have to be abandoned

without being replaced by mere educated

commonplace. To write tragedy, a man must feel

tragedy. To feel tragedy, a man must be aware of

the world in which he lives, not only with his

mind, but with his blood and sinews. Mr Krutch

talks throughout his book at intervals about

despair, and one is touched by his heroic

acceptance of a bleak world, but the bleakness is

due to the fact that he and most literary men have

not yet learnt to feel the old emotions in response

to new stimuli. The stimuli exist, but not in literary

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