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As we rise in the social scale the pursuit of

excitement becomes more and more intense. Those

who can afford it are perpetually moving from

place to place, carrying with them as they go

gaiety, dancing and drinking, but for some reason

always expecting to enjoy these more in a new

place. Those who have to earn a living get their

share of boredom, of necessity, in working hours,

but those who have enough money to be freed from

the need of work have as their ideal a life

completely freed from boredom. It is a noble ideal,

and far be it from me to decry it, but I am afraid

that like other ideals it is more difficult to

achievement than the idealists suppose. After all,

the mornings are boring in proportion as the

previous evenings were amusing. There will be

middle age, possibly even old age. At twenty men

think that life will be over at thirty.

I, at the age of fifty-eight, can no longer take that

view. Perhaps it is as unwise to spend one’s vital

capital as one’s financial capital. Perhaps some

element of boredom is a necessary ingredient in

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