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connected with a general decay of civilised

standards such as must have occurred in Rome

after the Augustan age. Men and women appear to

have become incapable of enjoying the more

intellectual pleasures. The art of general

conversation, for example, brought to perfection in

the French salons of the eighteenth century, was

still a living tradition forty years ago. It was a very

exquisite art, bringing the highest faculties into

play for the sake of something completely

evanescent. But who in our age cares for anything

so leisurely? In China the art still flourished in

perfection ten years ago, but I imagine that the

missionary ardour of the Nationalists has since

then swept it completely out of existence. The

knowledge of good literature, which was universal

among educated people fifty or a hundred years

ago, is now confined to a few professors. All the

quieter pleasures have been abandoned.

Some American students took me walking in the

spring through a wood on the borders of their

campus; it was filled with exquisite wild flowers,

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