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go, see what is characteristic, make the

acquaintance of people who typify the locality,

observe whatever is of interest either historically

or socially, eat the food of the country, learn its

manners and its language, and come home with a

new stock of pleasant thoughts for winter evenings.

In all these different situations the man who has the

zest for life has the advantage over the man who

has none. Even unpleasant experiences have their

uses to him. I am glad to have smelt a Chinese

crowd and a Sicilian village, though I cannot

pretend that my pleasure was very great at the

moment. Adventurous men enjoy shipwrecks,

mutinies, earthquakes, conflagrations, and all kinds

of unpleasant experiences, provided they do not go

so far as to impair health. They say to themselves

in an earthquake, for example, ‘So that is what an

earthquake is like’, and it gives them pleasure to

have their knowledge of the world increased by

this new item. It would not be true to say that such

men are not at the mercy of fate, for if they should

lose their health they would be very likely to lose

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