Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap

Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap

Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap


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268 6. Uncertainty and Dynamics in the Collective model<br />

6.4.2 Collective Euler equations under ex ante efficiency<br />

Household consumption<br />

We now consider a collective version of the model. Keeping for the moment<br />

the single commodity assumption, we now assume that agents have their<br />

own preferences and discount factors. The Pareto program is therefore:<br />

Ã<br />

X<br />

max (1 − μ) E0 (β a ) t u a (c a ! Ã<br />

X ³<br />

t ) + μE0 β b´ t<br />

u b ¡ c b¢ t<br />

!<br />

t<br />

under the same constraints as above. First order conditions give:<br />

u 0a (c a t )<br />

pt<br />

u0b ¡ cb ¢<br />

t<br />

pt<br />

= β a Et<br />

= β b Et<br />

"<br />

0a u ¡ ca ¢<br />

t+1<br />

pt+1<br />

"<br />

0b u ¡ cb ¢<br />

t+1<br />

pt+1<br />

t<br />

Rt+1<br />

Rt+1<br />

#<br />

#<br />

(6.29)<br />

which are the individual Euler equations. In addition, individual consumptions<br />

at each period must be such that:<br />

(β a ) t<br />

³<br />

β b´ t<br />

u0a (ca t )<br />

u0b ¡ cb ¢ =<br />

t<br />

μ<br />

1 − μ<br />

(6.30)<br />

The right hand side does not depend on t: the ratio of discounted marginal<br />

utilities of income of the two spouses must be constant through time. This<br />

implies, in particular, that<br />

u0a (ca t )<br />

u0b ¡ cb ¢ =<br />

t<br />

μ<br />

1 − μ<br />

³<br />

β b´ t<br />

(β a ) t<br />

If, for instance, a is more patient than b, in the sense that β a >β b ,then<br />

the ratio u 0a /u 0b declines with time, because a postpones a larger fraction<br />

of her consumption than b.<br />

An important remark is that if individual consumptions satisfy (6.29),<br />

then typically the aggregate consumption process ct = c a t + c b t does not<br />

satisfy an individual Euler equation like (6.28), except in one particular<br />

case, namely ISHARA utilities and identical discount factors. For instance,<br />

assume, following Mazzocco (2004), that individuals have utilities of the<br />

CRRA form:<br />

u X (c) = c1−γX<br />

, X = a, b<br />

1 − γX

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