Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap

Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap

Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap


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340 8. Sharing the gains from marriage<br />

Hence,<br />

zN,M − zN,M−1 ≥ vM − vM−1 ≥ zN−1,M − zN−1,M−1<br />

and we get the upper and lower bounds on vM − vM−1. Now we also know<br />

that woman M − 2 and man N − 2 marry each other. Using the fact that<br />

M − 1 and N − 1 also marry each other we get by the same argument that<br />

zN−1,M−1 − zN−1,M−2 ≥ vM−1 − vM−2<br />

≥ zN−2,M−1 − zN−2,M−2 (8.7)<br />

and so on all the way to the lowest married couple. Because we assume<br />

morewomenthanmen,M>N, woman M − N +1 will marry man 1. For<br />

this particular couple, we have<br />

The boundary condition is therefore<br />

u1 + vM−N+1 = z1,M−N+1<br />

u1 + vM−N ≥ z1,M−N<br />

vM−N = 0<br />

z1,M−N+1 − z1,M−N ≥ vM−N+1 .<br />

We see that along the stable assignment the prices must form an increasing<br />

sequence. This is a consequence of complementarity.<br />

When we set the bounds on couple N,M in (8.7), we referred only to<br />

couple N − 1,M − 1. However, there are M − 1 stability constraints, one<br />

for each woman that man N is not married to:<br />

uN ≥ zN,M−1 − vM−1<br />

uN ≥ zN,M−2 − vM−2...<br />

and also N − 1 stability constraints for woman M regarding for each man<br />

that she is not married to. We now show that the most binding constraint<br />

from all these constraints is the one expressing that man N (woman M)<br />

does not marry woman M − 1 (man N − 1). That is,<br />

zN,M−1−vM−1 ≥ zN,M−2−vM−2 ≥ ··· ≥ zN,M−N+1−vM−N+1 ≥ zN,M−N.<br />

Note, first, that if man N does not want to marry woman M −1, thenhe<br />

doesnotwanttomarrywomanM −2 either; that is, the stability constraint<br />

related to woman M −1 is more binding than that related to woman M −2.<br />

Indeed, we want to show that:<br />

zN,M−1 − vM−1 ≥ zN,M−2 − vM−2. (8.8)

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