Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap

Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap

Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap


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302 7. Matching on the Marriage Market: Theory<br />

(aij) that maximizes the linear objective (7.6) (or (7.9)) subject to the linear<br />

constraints (7.7) and (7.8) (resp. (7.10) and (7.11)). We can therefore<br />

use the standard tools of linear programming - specifically, duality theory.<br />

Associated with the maximization of aggregate surplus which determines<br />

the assignment is a dual cost minimization problem that determines the set<br />

of possible divisions of the surplus. Specifically, one can define a dual variable<br />

ui for each constraint (7.10) and a dual variable vj for each constraint<br />

(7.11); the dual program is then:<br />

subject to<br />

min(<br />

ui,vj<br />

MX<br />

i=1<br />

ui +<br />

NX<br />

vj) (7.12)<br />

j=1<br />

ui + vj ≥ zij, i∈ {1, ..., M}, j∈ {1, ..., N} (7.13)<br />

ui ≥ 0, vj≥ 0.<br />

The optimal values of ui and vj can be interpreted as shadow prices of<br />

the constraints in the original maximization problem (the primal). Thus,<br />

ui+vj = zij if a marriage is formed and ui+vj ≥ zij otherwise. 2 This result<br />

is referred in the literature as the complementarity slackness condition, see<br />

for instance Gale (1978). It has a very simple interpretation. Any man i is<br />

a resource that be can allocated to any woman, but only one woman, in<br />

society. Similarly woman j is a resource that can be allocated to any man<br />

in society, but only one man. The shadow price of each constraint in (7.10)<br />

describes the social cost of moving a particular man (woman) away from<br />

the pool of singles, where he (she) is a potential match for others. The sum<br />

of these costs ui + vj is the social cost of removing man i and woman j<br />

from the pool while zij is the social gain. Thus if ui + vj >zij, thecosts<br />

exceed the gains and the particular marriage would not form. However, if<br />

a marriage is formed then ui + vj = zij and each person’s share in the<br />

resulting surplus equals their opportunity cost in alternative matches.<br />

The crucial implication of all this is that the shadow price ui is simply<br />

the share of the surplus that Mr.i will receive at the stable matching (and<br />

similarly for vj); consequently, conditions (7.13) are nothing else than the<br />

stability conditions, stating that if i and j are not matched at the stable<br />

matching, then it must be the case that the surplus they would generate<br />

if matched together (that is zij) isnotsufficient to increase both utilities<br />

above their current level!<br />

These results have a nice interpretation in terms of decentralization of<br />

the stable matching. Indeed, a stable assignment can be supported (implemented)<br />

by a reservation utility vector, whereby male i enters the market<br />

2 Conversely, aij can be seen as the dual variable for constraint (7.13). In particular,<br />

if aij > 0, then the constraint must be binding, implying that ui + vj = zij.

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