Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap

Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap

Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap


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478 11. Marriage, Divorce, Children<br />

An important feature of the analysis is that the decisions of each couple<br />

whether to divorce or to have a child depend not only on the circumstance<br />

of the couple, for example, if it suffered a negative shock, but also on the<br />

decisions of other couples to have children and to divorce, as well as on<br />

the contracts that they sign. These decisions by other couples influence<br />

the prospects of remarriage and the quality of potential mates. To simplify<br />

our analysis, we focus here on the case in which, in equilibrium, all couples<br />

have children or all couples do not have children. Therefore, we only need to<br />

consider the benefits of a particular couple from having a child, conditioned<br />

on whether or not all other couples have children.<br />

Given the choices of others, the expected life time utility of a parent j<br />

in a particular couple is<br />

Wj,n(p) =u 0 n +<br />

Z∞<br />

θ ∗ n (p)<br />

(u ∗ n + θ)f(θ)dθ + F (θ ∗ n(p))(Vj,n(p) − bn) (11.35)<br />

where, j = f for the (potential) father and, j = m for the (potential)<br />

mother, and n is a choice variable that equals to 1 if the couple has children<br />

and 0 otherwise. The term u 0 n in equation (11.35) represents the utility of<br />

the two partners in the first period, which is 2wf if the couple has no<br />

children and only wf if a child is born, because of the mother’s withdrawal<br />

from the labor force during child birth. The term u ∗ n represents the parents<br />

utility if marriage continues, which is 2wf if the couple has no children and<br />

u ∗ if there is a child. The fixed costs of separation bn are assumed to be<br />

larger when the couple has children. 17<br />

The expected life time utility is higher for the partner with the higher<br />

gains from divorce who determines the divorce decision. In fact, the ex-<br />

pected life time utility can be rewritten as<br />

⎧<br />

⎪⎨<br />

u<br />

Wj,n(p) =<br />

⎪⎩<br />

0 n + u∗ θ<br />

n +<br />

∗ n (p) R<br />

(θ<br />

−∞<br />

∗ n(p) − θ)f(θ)dθ if Vj,n(p) ≥ Vi,n(p)<br />

u0 n + u∗ θ<br />

n +<br />

∗<br />

n (p) R<br />

(θ<br />

−∞<br />

∗ n(p) − θ)f(θ)dθ<br />

−F (θ ∗ n(p))(Vi,n(p) − Vj,n(p))<br />

if Vj,n(p)

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