Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap

Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap

Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap


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7. Matching on the Marriage Market: Theory 311<br />

with base r<br />

σ<br />

σ and height r (r − 1+x0 ) − σ<br />

r (r − 1). Such equality of measures<br />

must hold throughout the assignment profile.<br />

The slope of each matching function is related to the local scarcity of<br />

men relative to women. Men are locally scarce if there are more women<br />

than men at the assigned incomes (φ (y) ,y)=(x, ψ (x)). Or, equivalently,<br />

if an increase in the husband’s income is associated with a smaller increase<br />

in the income of the matched wife. That is,<br />

dx<br />

dy = φ0 (y) =r g(y)<br />

> 1,<br />

f(φ (y))<br />

(7.22)<br />

dy<br />

dx = ψ0 (x) = 1 f(x)<br />

< 1.<br />

r g(ψ (x))<br />

Men are locally abundant if these inequalities are reversed.<br />

7.2.4 Multidimensional matching<br />

The previous discussion explicitly refers to a one-dimensional framework.<br />

Assortative matching is harder to define when several dimensions (or several<br />

traits) are involved; moreover, conditions like supermodularity or singlecrossing<br />

do not have an obvious extension to a multidimensional setting.<br />

Still, they can be generalized; again, the reader is referred to <strong>Chiappori</strong>,<br />

McCann and Neishem (2010) or Ekeland (2010) for recent presentations.<br />

The main insights can briefly be described as follows. Assume that X and<br />

Y are finite dimensional. Then:<br />

1. The Spence-Mirrlees condition generalizes as follows: if ∂ x h (x0,y)<br />

denotes the superdifferential of h in x at (x0,y), then for almost all<br />

x0, ∂ x h (x0,y1) is disjoint from ∂ x s(x0,y2) for all y1 6= y2 in Y .This<br />

is the ‘twisted buyer’ condition in <strong>Chiappori</strong>, McCann and Neishem<br />

2010.<br />

2. If the ‘twisted buyer’ condition is satisfied, then the optimal match<br />

is unique; in addition, it is pure, in the sense that the support of the<br />

optimal measure Φ is born by the graph of some function y = φ (x);<br />

that is, for any x there exists exactly one y such that x is matched<br />

with y with probability one.<br />

3. There exists a relaxation of the ‘twisted buyer’ condition (called the<br />

‘semi-twist’) that guarantees uniqueness but not purity.<br />

The notion of ‘superdifferential’ generalizes the standard idea of a linear<br />

tangent subspace to non differentiable functions. If h is differentiable, as<br />

is the case is most economic applications, then ∂ x h (x0,y) is simply the<br />

linear tangent (in x) subspace to h at (x0,y), and the condition states that<br />

for almost all x0, there exists a one to one correspondence between y and

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