Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap

Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap

Pierre André Chiappori (Columbia) "Family Economics" - Cemmap


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11. Marriage, Divorce, Children 493<br />

commitment to his ex-wife raises the consumption of the step child and<br />

decreases λf. Hence, ∂λm<br />

∂λf<br />

∂σ ≤ 0 and ∂σ ≤ 0. But in a symmetric equilibrium<br />

all couples make the same choices and ∂λm ∂λf<br />

∂σ = ∂σ , which would imply that<br />

∂ 2 Vf<br />

∂σ2 ≥ 0. Therefore, there is no interior symmetric equilibrium, and the<br />

only symmetric equilibria are such that all couples must be at one of the<br />

boundaries, σ =0or σ = wf −c∗−(1−p)σ0 . Notice that the upper boundary<br />

is not determined by the budget constraint but by the requirement that<br />

the mother is just indifferent between remarriage and remaining single.<br />

Suppose that all other couples set σ0 = wf −c ∗<br />

2−p .Thenbysetting<br />

σ = wf − c ∗ − (1 − p)σ 0 = wf − c ∗<br />

(11.50)<br />

2 − p<br />

the father can guarantee that the mother is just indifferent between marriage<br />

and remaining single. This is seen by noting that the mother participation<br />

constraint becomes<br />

(1+α)[wmhm+ wf − c∗ 2 − p +c∗−c]+γ(1−hm)+g(c) ≥ γ+g(c ∗ )+(1+α) wf − c∗ 2 − p<br />

(11.51)<br />

But<br />

Max{(1<br />

+ α)[wmhm + c<br />

c,hm<br />

∗ − c]+γ(1 − hm)+g(c)}<br />

≤ Max{ γhm +(1+α)(c ∗ − c)+γ(1 − hm)+g(c)}<br />

c,hm<br />

= γ + g(c ∗ ). (11.52)<br />

Therefore, (11.51) must hold as equality.<br />

It remains to show that σ = wf −c ∗<br />

2−p is indeed an optimal choice, given that<br />

others maintain σ0 = wf −c ∗<br />

∂Vf<br />

2−p . For a marginally lower σ we have that ∂σ<br />

1<br />

approaches ∞ because λm = 1+α−g0 (c) approaches −∞ as c approaches c∗ .<br />

For marginally higher σ we have that ∂Vf<br />

∂σ approaches −∞, because when<br />

the mother chooses not to marry the father suffers a discrete loss since he<br />

pays the mother σ with certainty. Thus, σ = wf −c ∗<br />

2−p is a local maximum.<br />

However, it need not be a global maximum. In particular, for a small p, it<br />

is always the case that ∂Vf<br />

∂σ < 0, because the father bears the costs with<br />

high probability and the benefits with a low probability, so that σ =0is<br />

also a local maximum. However, in contrast to the selection of σ = wf −c ∗<br />

2−p ,<br />

the selection of σ =0is a local maximum only if p is small. The difference<br />

arises because at low levels of σ, c < c∗ so that λm and λf are finite and<br />

∂Vf<br />

∂σ must change sign from negative to positive as p rises from zero to one.<br />

We have noted in the text that if remarried mothers work part time<br />

then ∂Vf<br />

∂σ is independent of σ0 . However, if the mother does not work or<br />

1<br />

works full time so that λm = 1+α−g0 (c) , then an increase in σ0 will raise c,

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