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lation); MDJ is the total number of FTPC physicians in service area NF- FOR<br />

j; and P is the patient capacity of one FTPC physician in numbers PMARY CARE<br />

of the ideal population. The physician requirement factor for each<br />

district is the sum of the requirement factors for the service areas in<br />

tlae district.<br />

The need factor is the estimated average number of member of<br />

the ideal population who are beyond the capacity of each FTPC physician<br />

to serve but who would have to be served in order to satisfy that<br />

portion of the ex~presed demand that is not currently being satisfied.<br />

The need factor, XP/. is expressed as follows:<br />

XP, = ',/MD,-P<br />

The need factor for each district, XPd, is<br />

XP, = (XMD, x P)/MD,<br />

where XMD, i, the number of additional TPC physicians required<br />

to atiify that portion of epressed demand that is not cumnrently being<br />

met in district d and MD 1 is the total number of FTPC phyicians in<br />

disrit d<br />

Meru~ df Eecue of tbe Prmary Medical Came System<br />

ElEctiv«ee indexes provide a mesure of the capability of the<br />

primary a e povida e in ach servtce are to met the demand of the<br />

popultion of that rca. To aras the performance of the primary<br />

medial care divs sd>em of a state, a policymaker need satewide<br />

mnaMures of effectiveane Several maurcs of performance that can<br />

be deived fron the inkd t aure diumed below.<br />

Iudtxa Raekd to Minimum LmbL of Serice or Availability.<br />

Fomulon of<br />

tto n that tbe g<br />

tme mem of effecuiveai i¡ based on the a*ump.<br />

o oí he poficy~ that some minimum level of<br />

eitbe the ervi ~ de a va;iabity idex is obtainrL The per.<br />

cetage of arvie u that have index values below a defined minimum<br />

leved 1 one uh meaure. Alarnatively, a population.weighted<br />

average of index levd below tbe minimum level ould be used.<br />

Popuwlio.Seighek d ldex por tl Stc. This measure combine<br />

the indexes lfr the ~rvc ar by multiplying either the primary<br />

care ice ind or the avaiblty inde for a particular service<br />

ares by the fraction of the Mate*' populaion in that arca and sum.<br />

ming the produc of ll aras.<br />

Pkhyucin R gquiremnt Factor for thc Stal. This measure is the<br />

number of additonal FIPC phucians needr in the state to atíify<br />

all of the exprsed demand<br />

of the serve area<br />

and is the aum of thd requirement factors<br />

The Analy for Indiana<br />

The procedure developed in thi reecarch is being used to evaluate<br />

the primary health care system of Indiana. It was fint uced in F<br />

1976 by the Board of Trusaes of the Indiana Medical Diustribution<br />

Loan Fund to identify areas in need of primary care physicians.

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