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T<br />

XVIII. No. 2. S.pphlts"t<br />

.i¿jor Diagnosis Citegory<br />

Hernia of tlhe<br />

-Axidouiínal Cavity<br />

48: Esteritis. Divertievula,<br />

a¿iad Faniction[al Disorlers<br />

olfthe Intestineic<br />

*.49: D iseaises of thie Antis<br />

50: SlisteeIlah.ols Disea.ses<br />

ot' the litestine auli<br />

I>eritona.llie<br />

51: Disea.ses ol' the<br />

Liver<br />

52: Diseases of the<br />

't.all¿«hlhhr austl Bilh,<br />

Dlat't<br />

1t> A>pil)edicitis (witla Peritonitis. Otiher) with Secundary<br />

Diiagnusw.<br />

197<br />

198<br />

199<br />

200<br />

201<br />

203<br />

204<br />

205<br />

206<br />

207<br />

208<br />

2(09<br />

210<br />

- 83 -<br />

Grutips<br />

AbIdomainsal Hernia with Age less than 15<br />

lnginua!ul fHieriia (without Obstruiction) with Age greater than 14<br />

a.ld less thalan 65 withoiut Secondiry. Diaginosis<br />

liguina;l Hernia (withoiat Oblstrtuction) with Age greater than 14<br />

antd less tihan 65 with Secondary Diagnosis<br />

Alblonminal Hernia Except Simple Inguinal with Age greater than<br />

14 atud less thin 6.5 withosit Snrgery<br />

AlIlaminal lernia Except Simuple Iagaiuaal witlh Age greater than<br />

14 aud less tlansal 65 with Minor Surgen.<br />

Aldlomiituial I lernia Excel)t Sinple Inguinal with Age ireater thtan<br />

14 asad less than 65 with Mlajor Surgery<br />

Ahdsomi.al llernia with Age grecater thlan 64 wvithoitat Sargery<br />

AldlomialI llernia witih Age greater thllan 64 witil Ninor SuIrgery<br />

Ahblomiial liernia wviti Age greater than 64 with Mlajor Surgery<br />

Faiunctional Disorder of the Intestine without Surgery<br />

Intestiiial Ponuching, Regioial Enteritis. Ulcerative Colitis withiait<br />

Saurgery<br />

lntestinaJl PocilnvIiag (Functionlal Disorier) wvith Minor Surgery<br />

witliolnt Sevoiuldarv D)iagnosis<br />

lntestisial Pouching (Functional Disorder) with Mlinor Surgery<br />

with Secolidary Diiagiosis<br />

Iiltestieail P¡ witi Mlajor Surgery<br />

(lie^e lichi, )thleOr)<br />

211 Disease ol'the Anos without Secondary Diagnosis<br />

212 Disease ofl'the Aruis with Secondairy Diagh)osi6<br />

A.PP.EN DIX<br />

213<br />

214<br />

Misceellaneo.us Disease of the Intestine and Abdominal Lining<br />

withl Age less th.ali 56 withotut Snrgery<br />

Dliscell.eons<br />

Disease fIt' thc lntestiLne and Abdominal Living<br />

with Age greater tiian 55 withont Surgery without Secondary<br />

Diagnosis<br />

215<br />

216<br />

Mliseelliaeoa.~ Disease of tile Intestine aud Abdominal Lining<br />

withl Age greater than 55 withouit Snrgery with Secondary<br />

Di¿agnlosis<br />

Ilisell&iai.e'ois i)isea.se *. thei Intestiice iantd Allndominlal Lining<br />

witl Snargical Procedure (Local Incision, Excision)<br />

217<br />

218<br />

.liscellaneous Disease of the Intestine and Abdominal Lining<br />

wilth Visinalization, of the Intestlie withont Secondlary Diagnosis<br />

.Mliscellaneous Disease of the Intestine and Abdominal Lining<br />

with Vistialization of the Intestine with Secondary Diagnosis<br />

219 Miscellaneous Disease of the Intestine and Abdominal Lining<br />

with Major Surgery withoit Secondary Diagnosis<br />

220 Miscellahieous Disease of the Intestinle and Abdominal Lining<br />

with Major Sturgery with Secondary Diagnosis<br />

221 Ilepatitis. (l..lcetius. Sermni) Sualacute Necrosis of the Liver<br />

witil Age Icss thlsan 41<br />

222: lelpaltitis (Ihal¿etionss Seruis) Sblacuate Nierrosis ol'f the Liver<br />

witil Age grea.ter than *10<br />

223 I.iver Cirlhlosis withoílt Secoi;d.iry Diagainsis or with Slinor Secni)dar>'<br />

Di.agnosis<br />

224 Liver Cirrhosis with Major Srcondiary Diagnosis<br />

225 o:a..' of the Giallli;.Ider .atl btil Dc thi Sargry with<br />

Agre kh-, Ilsial 51<br />

226 1Ii:e,

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