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Facility Location: A Review of<br />

Context.free and EMS Models<br />

By Charles Re Fllc, Dalid Bigmian, Da :id Schilling,<br />

Jared Coho, annd Richard Church<br />

EM.S hl(ation mriodels arc tlae Iorriiilald to address s5pc(ilc probllris<br />

of cmergercy mnedical services systemrvs; (ontecxt-free lonation niodels arc liaose<br />

developed *wilhout referencec o partirtular applications. The literature onx<br />

dI,cee t,'o iypcs, of pullic Iacility Iioc;tinu mrindeli is revise'cli. and Ic devel.<br />

opmnent of the maximnal .overiíng¡ nio(lel [rons several cma lier context-free<br />

models is described. witis cmphasis on poblen statcments anid articulatious<br />

ol service objectives. An applicationl of tlhe naitnial coverUsg mnodel lo fire<br />

truck location points up the ability of tlis rnodcl to handc nmultiple objerc<br />

tises: its ability to tomlpare alhicia solutions gives it great utiility for<br />

i>lanini>; and cvashllting EiMS systcus o(l a wide raut;c of comiplexity. I'o<br />

tential applications of the maximal covering inodel arc discussed rcgarding<br />

EtlS problenms involving multiplc timic satandards and service objectives,<br />

location of special equipment, aid siting oI fixed facilities.<br />

'i lda(cment of facilities un a nciwork to rcspond to demands<br />

or tu alract consumers has blccome a subjcc lfor both study and<br />

teaching. The cxtensive bibliography by Lea [I] indicates how thc<br />

literaturc in this arca has burgconed in recent ycars. IThe literaturc<br />

includes investigations of the location of both public and private<br />

fa;...ies; much of the literature concerning both the public and private<br />

sectors throughl about 1970 was brought together in an articlc<br />

by ReVelle. Marks. and Liebman [2]. Private sector facilities arc<br />

often located to fulfill precisely stated objectives. suclh as minimnum<br />

cost or maximum profit. in conitast, ithe goals and objectives of public<br />

facility location are more difficult to capture and translate into<br />

quantifiable teras.<br />

The gradually evolving interpretation ol tlhe goal of maximum<br />

public welfare has led to a number of possible problemni statements in<br />

thc sphre of public facility location. Each of these diffcerent statemelits<br />

has the potential lo fit tle perccptions of some decision niaker.<br />

RKcogniring the vatiklity of nmany ot>jectives has bro¡xght us to wha;t<br />

Addres communicatiolis and iXqlu.sss for ip:lilu t(o Charlic ReVrlle. Pro.<br />

ipam in Syuemu Analyais a*nd Ecoomnis íor Publir Deisieons Makisg. Johss Hopkins<br />

University. Bahimore. MD 21218.<br />

David Bigman is an «'onomlr with thre Iniernational Monetarn Fun(I; Dasid<br />

kShiUing ia asistant profesuo at the Centcr tor Technulory and Adrainistration. SUMMER<br />

American, Univel>ity; lad Coalol is ,u ite prnlcaor in tIre loIhns Ilopkins Pro 1977<br />

gram in Syerms Analyris and Eonounics lor Public )elision Making: and Richard<br />

Churth i aistiíant profesor of

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