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Regional Health.Services Planning 641<br />

scale. When niore fhau fotr i.e¡ter.s :te :all¿xated, thlere is little reltive inmproveimelit i<br />

any of the imtea.urcs,<br />

:uid liflerene.es among tilhe regíion-widc imeasires are negligible.<br />

The thrce graphs incliuded iii Fig. 4 deincm.trate the use of Ihe model in the inlportant<br />

aranlytic nrle of deternlining the incremental Ienefits from inrea:sin lthe nítiber of eenlers ii<br />

a region. The siecifics ouf :ai'dy.is ean Iwx varied to aicomiodaitc t he planning ie problemi at<br />

ligd. One or more centers cln be fixed in location or capacity to represFent existinig farilities,<br />

different criteria can be studlied, and miniimum or maxiiiiiini ecnter sizes can be included iii<br />

the formuílamtion. The moidel also gives vohlines bhy !.troat:s for eachl renter so thnt i¡.m'os related<br />

to liiirmln size iiol :ei a ofie ,.rf rai e:il. e:I,1w dealt wii .hit Wlilh sp'ilie refinlements<br />

can xie infrlimiruued to accolllxoditte a pIatticular plaiíning probleni, Fig. 4 illastrates the etylx<br />

of analysis that can be performed to leterniine increniental beuefits from a.dding nmore eenters.<br />

A health pl:iaitter can comniare tlie rost impllications of sugg.lted inimbers, sizer, and<br />

ocaLatioi, of center.s wvithl thl( mriiír.iiic:l Ibeefits ofof l ervie, wlhere IM-nefit, :Mr,<br />

inme.sllreu4 ii t1'm111ís (l . .l cMh 1 ritrio L :s ttilizaitiol tr',l¡'el di.,.lnse,, or per alfilat p ereent:íge<br />

decrease i¡n utilization oun a region wide hAt.-is.<br />

In the tinal aínalysis, the decision maker must decide how to weigh different<br />

objeetivw,$. No olnl( curiterion is best. Thc ultimate decision as to tlw number.<br />

capacity, aind location of health vueter moinst be hoised upoIn a broad range uf coínsiderations.<br />

However, formal analysis can be extremely useful in reducin¡g ihe<br />

number of variables that must be considered subjectively. Furthermilore, by<br />

forcing the mniodel to evailate decisions that are proposed on other hbaes, the model<br />

can serve' to qu 1itify th e'Oll(seluent s of alterliative choices for comparison with<br />

the optimum solutioins derived from explicit criteria.<br />

C(ONCLUS .ON<br />

Tg REOIOXA4L allocation problem is a central issue in research on health-eare<br />

delivery systems. This paper has undertaken to develop a method that can be<br />

applied praectically by a liealth plasittcr in bridging tlihe gap betwveen re.eareh resulta<br />

anid implementation. Emphazis is, on providing a formulatiotL tihat usefully<br />

eharaeterizes the problem within a region rather thaun on the elegance of optimization<br />

procedure!s. (As a benchnmark for eomputatioínal feasibility. cach optimization<br />

for the above example reqccuired about 20 seconds of CPU time onu an IB.M<br />

360-67.) The formulation distinguishes the separate impact of distance on various<br />

.ocioeconomie strata with respect to their choice of a particular center as well as<br />

overall utilization. Thc model can be extended to acecommodate considerations of<br />

inlxOrtaunc! ina partituil:r aPpplieatioris by eh:alngiuíg tlíi cirteria: uisl for oIplinliza:tioi<br />

autd the onllstraintls imposed ;11 the formnulationi.<br />


RESEARCH REPOITED i11 this palper was<br />

supported in part by thé National Center<br />

for Health Services Rewtarch anid Dcvelopment, Departmeiit of Health, Education,<br />

and Welfare.

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