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thcir validity. Cretin [!7] analyzcd ilhe process of dcathi followinii FACILTY<br />

nmyocardial infarction and developed a model of risk of death fronm LOCATION<br />

inriarction. ¡ler model combined features of both the disease process<br />

a;i.d tie msiedical iolpunse and was used to evaluate policy alternatives.<br />

Thec disease was nimodeled as a discrete Mlarkov process, withi transition<br />

probabilities and other paranimeer: obtaincd froin statistical regression.<br />

I'lhi is an interesting approach, whlici coulhl form 3n integral<br />

l:art ou broa;der rm ,dels.<br />

l1cvcs,,olS aind Willeniain [18,19] vicwed thie scrccnitig process as<br />

a triage system. in which calis were alloated to prinmary service if<br />

Ihey wiece ciecrgcncies and to secondary service if they werc not.<br />

Cadlls wicrle aso routed to tile ecoundary service il all priuniary service<br />

vehicilhs were buisy. lhe analysis consisted of comibining assiarimed decision<br />

and evesst probabilities. Although the approaci was straightl.<br />

forward. tile assurmed prohabilities were not justified by the autihors.<br />

Ti'ese models and ,,ncceptualizations representl tle state of the<br />

;ar as relletied by tihe EMS-oriented literature iup to about oIIc ycar<br />

ago. 1i is clear tisat there is great potential íor lurther application of<br />

locatiota niodels to ENIS problems. We believe such applications will<br />

draw heavily on the cointext.free location litera;iav specifically on<br />

tihe Imaxinmal covering model and its refisenicenis, whllli atre distIissce<br />

below.<br />

Context-free Location Analysis<br />

An interlocking set ol tihree network loiation mnodels will be<br />

described here. A!' :aideb hta;.. have been applied. at least conceptually,<br />

lo emergency seivices. Tite third model (tile ttmaxiinal covering<br />

model), whose lurdier developmient and refincient we sihall discusIs<br />

has recently bcen applied to the location o[ fire stationis and<br />

equipment in Baltimore,'MD. I'lis i¡, to our knowlelge. tíhe first<br />

applications of this model to such a seiting, although it is chiaracterized<br />

by the moht versatile and adaptable objective of all thrce niodels.<br />

The p¡Median Problem<br />

The location model that underlies, tieoretic!"l)y and historically,<br />

the others we sliall discuss is the p-median problemn. whicil was pro-<br />

Iseld by Hakimi [20,21] in the context of locating switchiing centers<br />

in a communications network. It was recognized. lhowever, that the<br />

probiem statement could be extended to many otiher fiames of reference.<br />

We will state it in the setting in which people come to facilities<br />

lor service, but it can easily be turned around to pertlin to the situation<br />

of serven going from facilities to points of demand.<br />

Locate p faciliies on a network ol denreds so tha tihe average travel<br />

lime of all uen is a minimnum. Since fhe Ifailities ate not dstiinguishetl<br />

Lt sire or specialiaiion. it is asumed tihat every user will travel lo hisa<br />

uearest facility. ,tJ MM ER<br />

Numerous researchers iave propxned sulution , .lihods tor thc<br />

p-median prublenm. and solution procedcsílt' are imporirant: a well-

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