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"'ol. XVIII, Nu. II1<br />

I. S ,Si 4.. l .. I.ib.111 1. l t . ."i ,.Isii.§a !l g .t .<br />

..Ts ,re' -',t 5 IIt.1LA<br />

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t II ¡Ii: l1li¡ ,illltlin, '. li chl -" ' 1 *, s et J,}. ".f' .<br />

or .*5 .d .ah- fI..ie sl. 4oJ t.. r1¡l . ",".íilh e ". ,.<br />


cess of benefits over costs? Because ,il<br />

costs and benefits are measured in the<br />

same (inonetary) unit, CBA can lie<br />

employed to compare similar or widely divergent<br />

types of programs. Thus. in theory<br />

at least, CBA might be used to decide<br />

whether publie resourees should be allocated<br />

to construction of a dam or constniction<br />

of a hospital.<br />

In CEA, desirable program consequen¢es<br />

are not valued in monetary tenni,<br />

but rather arte measured in some other unit;<br />

in health care CEAs. cominon nmeasures<br />

include years of life saved and days ol' inorbidity<br />

or disahility avoided. The reasoní lor<br />

a iaoninoetariy mcasure of l prgranil tieLctiveuness<br />

is .. ither the in)p.ossil)ilit or .uudesirability<br />

of valuing imnportaiit onitel mei. e<br />

in dollars. Thus. thte " lottoiI h¡m." a<br />

CEA is not. lilke a C(BA. a nel nlt i.la'Lry<br />

value; rather. it is expretssed iii Uiaits liike<br />

"dollars per year of lilf saved." CEA ipermits<br />

eo'niparison of e.ost per unil (itf eot.leetivriness<br />

anolng conilx'ting progralla alte'rnat1;<br />

.. .1, -. 'ifd to serne the salie I)asi('<br />

purpose, biut unlikel CBA it des inot allou<br />

em)lllaristil fe I)r prgrasail, ¡lailag dliltere(tlt<br />

oDieotives. I)ca(.ise thle etli etlr'.lv', , , r<br />

eouitenilue uaí.'eieres ditl'r. Nor dI.'s it I¡. riit<br />

assessmiient of t Il. inhil, renit .rhl nl .ifa<br />

progranli: is a c .si ol'S($.5O().0r(J >t'r or lih-.<br />

sas;ved auteltal)le? ()lvioisly. tlis ilue · -<br />

tion reqjlires a sowial iind piolitivall jmdg-<br />

Ilmena:; it i ¡¡iot sililyll .h lic.il ..ner.<br />

(:BA andl (:iEA,:I lJa I 'v'tl sti.iedl ¡lr<br />

dlev-ad.(%. b)y cntrib)utions<br />

appeared in print, with the exeeption<br />

of a chapter by Grosse4 in a 1970<br />

book n.;iented toward stiidents of<br />

econoumiies and policy analysis. This chapter<br />

is parti':ularly noteworthy Icr its reiew<br />

ofí C:A/CEA applications in tll,. Departmeni<br />

of l.ahlth, Education, antd 'elll'are<br />

(HEW) during the author's tc, uure as all<br />

HEW fllicial. Grosse cun)eyed miiIlh of<br />

thi' samle lmaterial in ani article publishedl 2<br />

years later/ though agairi tie audience was<br />

o¡it heallth care p)rnt'ssioaiais. That same<br />

year. houweer. witnessed p>ulblicatioi of a<br />

h),>,k which I )h'anie one of the health care<br />

c milsi¡"íity's mniost widely read asd fre-<br />

(lueIntl cited contributions, Coxhrane's<br />

Effe¿tlrm ene*s url EI:ffirideny: Randonr Reflie<br />

icS,'i * o> Ilulthl Ser.tit'(e." lil o)lur e(StirIllntlll<br />

this short IJxx)k hadl a i)roil(aimd inpa¡lt<br />

ii tlanling the' thouuglhts olf hiealtia care<br />

prol.s.aicinalis toward issties of resource<br />

scareity and thie link ewtweeln eflicieley<br />

anlid vq'ily. It is at least possilleh that (:Kehti.me'.s<br />

I>,c>k pliared a sigilgniftiat rle iii til'<br />

ralpid grousth irn healti cvare (:BA/(:IEA<br />

wh lvla I('ganm tile -fcitoewiig yvar.<br />

I¡i !971J. Klarmlan pul)lished twu- articlehs<br />

.ia CHA . iethodlioh,el. . and al)pllicationis.<br />

()1 ' 1,s fil-' Iist a tti.n cit(led re- it.' al.Ld l ;s-<br />

( ,%-i>ii el th'athh -. care (:A/(:I'EA'. li.he<br />

,pll¢'r ;,vs tli'. firt se,1 ii .prtpll ' let al)i)¢e-11 il<br />

.1 Ilmedlí..l lOlill.icl I 'lI' h teolissin ye'air.<br />

1),IhI. ", I¡ hhsh' .,I t

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