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completo - Sociedad Argentina de Antropología

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Relaciones <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Sociedad</strong> <strong>Argentina</strong> <strong>de</strong> Antropología XXXIIPaulotti, Osvaldo L.1948. Los Toba. Contribución a la somatología <strong>de</strong> los indígenas <strong>de</strong>l Chaco. Runa I: 9-110.Paulotti, Osvaldo L. y Luis González Alegría1943. Grupos sanguíneos <strong>de</strong> los nativos <strong>de</strong> la Puna Jujeña. Anales <strong>de</strong>l Museo Argentino <strong>de</strong> CienciasNaturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” 83 (41): 21-26.Pearson, Karl1926. On the coefficient of racial likeness. Biometrika 17 (1): 105-118.Pena, Sergio D.J., Fabricio R. Santos, Nestor O. Bianchi, Claudio M. Bravi, Francisco R. Carnese, FranciscoRothhammer, Tu<strong>de</strong>vdagva Gorelsaikhan, Bjamba Munkhtuja y Tsendsuren Oyunsuren1995. I<strong>de</strong>ntification of a major foun<strong>de</strong>r Y-chromosome haplotype in Amerindians. Nature Genetics 11:15-16.Penrose, Lionel S.1954. Distance, size and shape. Annals of Eugenics 18: 337-343.Pérez, Fernando1922. Craniologie vestibienne, ethnique et zoologique. Bulletins et Mémoires <strong>de</strong> la Société d’Anthropologie<strong>de</strong> Paris 3 (VII): 16-32.Pucciarelli, Héctor M.1974a. The influence of experimental <strong>de</strong>formation on neurocranial wormian bones in rats. AmericanJournal of Physical Anthropology 41: 29-38.1974b. El método experimental en Antropología Biológica. Etnia 19: 1-7.1978. Craniofacial <strong>de</strong>velopment of the rat with respect to vestibular orientation. Acta Anatómica 100:101-110.1980. The effects of race, sex, and nutrition on craniofacial differentiation in rats. A multivariate analysis.American Journal of Physical Anthropology 53: 359-368.1981. Growth of the functional components of the rat skull and its alterations by nutritional effects. Amultivariate analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 56: 33-41.1989. Contribución al concepto <strong>de</strong> antropología biológica. Revista <strong>de</strong> Antropología 7: 27-31.1991. Nutrición y morfogénesis craneofacial. Una contribución <strong>de</strong> la Antropología Biológica Experimental.Interciencia 16 (5): 248-253.Pucciarelli, Héctor M. y Rodolfo G. Goya1983. Effects of post-weaning malnutrition on the weight of the head components in rats. Acta Anatomica115: 231-237.Pucciarelli, Héctor M. y Mario H. Niveiro1981. Effet <strong>de</strong> la malnutrition sur le développement <strong>de</strong> l’ontogense l’ontogenèse craniofaciale. Cahiers d’Anthropologie2: 97-109.Pucciarelli, Héctor M. y Evelia E. Oyhenart1987. Effectofmaternalfoodrestrictionduringlactationoncraniofacialgrowthinweanlingrats.food restriction during lactation on craniofacial growth in weanling rats. AmericanJournal of Physical Anthropology 72: 67-75.Pucciarelli, Héctor M., Vicente Dressino y Mario H. Niveiro1990. Changes in skull components of the squirrel monkey evoked by growth and nutrition: An experimentalstudy. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81: 535-543.Pucciarelli, Héctor M., Francisco R. Carnese, Luisa V. Pinotti, Luis M. Guimarey y Alicia S. Goicoechea1993. Sexual dimorphism in schoolchildren of the Villa IAPI neighborhood (Quilmes, Buenos Aires,<strong>Argentina</strong>). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 92: 165-172.Quevedo, Silvia, José A. Cocilovo y Francisco Rothhammer1985. Relaciones y afinida<strong>de</strong>s biológicas entre las poblaciones <strong>de</strong>l Norte Semiárido <strong>de</strong> Chile. Boletín <strong>de</strong>lMuseo Arqueológico <strong>de</strong> La Serena 18: 248-268.278

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