Arts and Literature in Canada:Views from Abroad, Les arts et la ...

Arts and Literature in Canada:Views from Abroad, Les arts et la ...

Arts and Literature in Canada:Views from Abroad, Les arts et la ...

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IJCS/RIÉCdecades, the two writers seem to have little <strong>in</strong> common. They <strong>in</strong>habit totallydifferent realms of art <strong>and</strong> their respective fictions, worlds apart <strong>in</strong> tone <strong>and</strong>texture, do not readily suggest a common po<strong>in</strong>t of departure for a comparativestudy. In spite of such disparity, this paper aims to po<strong>in</strong>t out <strong>and</strong> explor<strong>et</strong>hematic <strong>and</strong> narratological simi<strong>la</strong>rities <strong>in</strong> Alice Munro’s Lives of Girls <strong>and</strong>Women <strong>and</strong> Christa Wolf’s K<strong>in</strong>dheitsmuster that provide substantial groundsfor comparison.The ma<strong>in</strong>spr<strong>in</strong>g of Christa Wolf’s fiction is a profound political commitment.As a citizen of the German Democratic Republic, she subscribed to the Marxistideology of her soci<strong>et</strong>y. S<strong>in</strong>ce the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the unification process she hasbeen severely criticized both for her former political allegiance <strong>and</strong> for herpresent reluctance to unconditionally welcome Germany’s new politicalsystem. In the turmoil of the German Democratic Republic’s decl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>and</strong> fall,Christa Wolf ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed a dignified distance, warn<strong>in</strong>g her compatriots aga<strong>in</strong>sttoo precipitous a somersault. This position should be accepted <strong>and</strong> respected,especially <strong>in</strong> an artist who repeatedly criticized the ten<strong>et</strong>s of Communism, aswhen she raised the follow<strong>in</strong>g question:[...] you ask yourselves why the conviction that man should be guidedby his knowledge, rather than by his faith, has thus far produced solittle beauty. 1Alice Munro, on the other h<strong>and</strong>, has repeatedly denied hav<strong>in</strong>g any politicalcommitments. In one of her most recent <strong>in</strong>terviews, given to American criticKay Bon<strong>et</strong>ti, Munro exp<strong>la</strong><strong>in</strong>s her apolitical stance as follows:There are probably enormous f<strong>la</strong>ws <strong>and</strong> gaps <strong>in</strong> what I’m do<strong>in</strong>g as awriter. There is noth<strong>in</strong>g much I can do about that. I don’t believe youcan do much to remedy your vision, to en<strong>la</strong>rge it. I th<strong>in</strong>k you can as aperson, as a political person you probably can. But as a writer you arepr<strong>et</strong>ty well bound by som<strong>et</strong>h<strong>in</strong>g I don’t th<strong>in</strong>k you have much controlover. I know some writers who make an attempt, a very consciousattempt to write a k<strong>in</strong>d of sociological novel, a responsible novel toshow soci<strong>et</strong>y where it is <strong>and</strong> where it is go<strong>in</strong>g right now. And thosenovels often seem to me <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> worthy, but <strong>la</strong>ck<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> somek<strong>in</strong>d of essential livel<strong>in</strong>ess. 2Christa Wolf’s K<strong>in</strong>dheitsmuster is the type of novel Munro is referr<strong>in</strong>g to, “ak<strong>in</strong>d of sociological novel, a responsible novel to show soci<strong>et</strong>y where it is” <strong>and</strong>how it has become what it is. The collective past (<strong>from</strong> the rise of NationalSocialism <strong>in</strong> Germany to the end of the sixties <strong>in</strong> the German DemocraticRepublic) is mirrored <strong>in</strong> the protagonist’s personal memory:64

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