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Rudarstvo 2011 / Mining 2011IZVODUPRAVLJANJE OPASNIM I NEOPASNIM OTPADOM U RB„KOLUBARA“D.O.O. OGRANAK „PRERADA“ – VREOCIHAZARDOUS AND NON HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENTPLAN IN RB „KOLUBARA“ D.O.O. DEPARTMENT „PRERADA“ –VREOCIMarina Vuĉković 15 , Novica Momĉilović 16 , Vesna M. Krstić 17 Sneţana ĐorĊević 4PD RB“Kolubara“d.o.o.U okviru RB „Kolubara― ogranak „Prerada― se bavi preradom rovnog uglja dobijenog sa površinskih kopova kao iproizvodnjom sušenog uglja. Tokom samog procesa prerade uglja, a naroĉito tokom remonta postrojenja dolazi dogenerisanja izvesnih koliĉina opasnog i neopasnog otpada.OdreĊene koliĉine neopasnog otpada svoj plasman mogunaći na trţištu sekundarnih sirovina iz razloga što poseduju komercijalnu vrednost.Trenutno, odlaganje otpada vrši sena neureĊenim prostorima u okviru samog ogranka „Prerada―. Radi optimalnog i kontrolisanog upravljanja otpadom,potrebno je izraditi plan upravljanja otpadom, kojim bi se definisalo mesto nastanka, vrste, sastav, koliĉine, naĉinrazvrstavanja otpada kako neopasnog tako i opasnog, mere koje se preduzimaju u cilju smanjenja nastanka otpada,mere zaštite od poţara i eksplozije i mere zaštite ţivotne sredine i zdravlja ljudi kao i njegov dalji plasman na trţištesekundarnih sirovina.Kljuĉne reĉi: Plan upravljanja otpadom, generisanje otpada, opasan i neopasan otpadABSTRACTRB „Kolubara― department „Prerada―, is engaged in processing raw coal resulting from surface coal mines and theproduction of dried coal.During the processing of coal, particularly during repair facilities there is a certain amountof generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.Certain amounts of non-hazardous waste, with their commercialvalue can find their placement on the market of raw materials.Currently, waste disposal is done on the disorderedarea of the department „Prerada―. For optimum and controlled waste management, it is necessary to develop a wastemanagement plan, which would define the place of occurrence, types, composition, quantity, method of classifyingwaste as non-hazardous and hazardous, the measures taken to reduce the occurrence of waste, protection from fireand explosion, and protection of the environment and human health as well as its further placing on the market ofraw materials.Key words: Waste management, waste generation, hazardous and non-hazardous waste1.0. UVODRB „Kolubara― ogranak „Prerada― – Vreoci nalazi se u centralnom delu rudarskog basena „Kolubara―,neposredno uz površinske kopove „Polje D―, „Tamnava – Istoĉno polje― i „Polje E―. U blizini sumagistralni putevi Stepojevac - Lazarevac, Lazarevac - AranĊelovac, pruga Beograd - Bar i industrijskapruga. (Slika 1.).452

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