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stanje i perspektive u rudarstvu i odrţivi razvoj mining present state ...

stanje i perspektive u rudarstvu i odrţivi razvoj mining present state ...


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Rudarstvo 2011 / Mining 2011Literatura1. Acar, Y. B., Alshawabkeh, A. N., Environ. Sci Technol. 27 (1993) 2638-2647.2. Alshawabkeh, N.A., Basics and applications of electrokinetic remediation, (2001), dostupno nahttp://www1.coe.neu.edu/~aalsha/shortcourse.pdf3. Gardner, K., Electrochemical Remediation and Stabilization of Contaminated Sediments, (2005),dostupno na http://ciceet.unh.edu/news/releases/reportRelease/pdf/gardner_final_report.pdf (pristupNovembar, 2009)4. Hopkinson, L., Cundz, A., Faulkner, D., Hansen A., Pollock, R. (2009) Electrokinetic stabilization ofchromium (VI)-contaminated soils, U: Electrochemical remediation technologies for polluted soils,sediments and groundwater, (Eds. Reddy, K.R., Cameselle, C.), Wiley: New Jersey, 179197.5. Kim, K-W.; Lee, K-Y.; Kim, S-O. (2009) Electrokinetic remediation of mixed metal contaminants. U:Electrochemical remediation technologies for polluted soils, sediments and groundwater, (Eds.Reddy, K.R., Cameselle, C.), Wiley: New Jersey, 287-315.6. Ottosen, L. M., Jensen, P, E., Electro-remediation of heavy-metal contaminated soil, U: Soil andsediment remediation: mechanisms, technologies and applications (Eds. Lens, P., Grotenhuis, T.),(2005) 265-288.7. Pazos, M., Sanroman, M. A., Cameselle, C., Chemosphere 62 (2006) 817–822.8. Pedersen, A.J., Ottosen, L.M., Villumsen, A. J. Hazad. Mater. B122 (2005) 103-109.9. United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), Resource guide for electrokineticslaboratory and field processes applicable o radioactive and hazardous mixed wastes in soil andgroundwater from 1992 to 1997, 1997.10. United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), Recent developments for in situ treatmentof metal contaminated soil, 1997a.483

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