02.03.2013 Aufrufe

Dissertation Rodenbusch_20052011 ohne Lebenslauf

Dissertation Rodenbusch_20052011 ohne Lebenslauf

Dissertation Rodenbusch_20052011 ohne Lebenslauf


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To assess the influence of endometrial findings on fertility endometrial biopsies of 15 clinically<br />

healthy, fertile cows were examined histologically and their endometrial findings were compared to<br />

those in sub- and infertile cows and heifers. It could be shown that moderate or severe endometritis<br />

and endometrosis is significantly more frequently in sub- or infertile than in fertile cows. Furthermore,<br />

sub- or infertile cows reveal significantly more often destroying endometrosis than fertile<br />

cows. Therefore, it has to be hypothesized that endometritis as well as bovine endometrosis have a<br />

negative effect on fertility depending on their degree and character.<br />

Endometrial biopsies of 58 sub- and infertile cows and heifers taken prior to slaughter were examined<br />

histologically, and findings were compared anonymously to post mortem diagnoses. By means<br />

of these data it should be investigated if endometrial biopsy is a potential tool for the diagnosis of<br />

endometrial alterations in cattle, not detectable by conventional methods. Two endometrial biopsies<br />

with a size of 5-10 x 3 x 3 mm were taken next to the uterine bifurcation from each of 58 animals.<br />

Concerning the degree of inflammatory and degenerative alterations, in 86% and 93% of cases,<br />

respectively, a complete or far ranging conformity in diagnosis between endometrial biopsy and<br />

uterine examination after slaughter was shown. The character of endometritis in endometrial biopsy<br />

accorded to post mortem diagnosis in 64%, the character of endometrosis in 66% of all cases.<br />

Presented data indicate that the majority of female cattle with fertility disturbances reveals subclinical<br />

endometrial alterations (subclinical endometritis, bovine endometrosis and angiosclerosis) not<br />

detectable by conventional clinical methods including ultrasonography and cytology but detectable<br />

histopathologically. The endometrial biopsy delivers representative information about the actual<br />

endometrial status and is a potential tool for the intra vitam diagnosis of such endometrial alterations<br />

in cattle not detectable by conventional clinical methods. Nevertheless, in order to establish<br />

the potential diagnostic tool “endometrial biopsy” in buiatrics as a prognostical meaningful method,<br />

further investigations, especially concerning the different types of bovine endometrosis, are necessary.<br />


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