19.12.2023 Aufrufe

Wirtschaftsregion Mainfranken

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eing developed and tested in cooperation with non-university<br />

research institutions and companies in Main Franconia. In<br />

the Main-Spessart district, an innovative approach to regional<br />

healthcare is being taken with the construction of a new central<br />

hospital combined with the establishment of networked intersectoral<br />

health centres.<br />

die Wiederaufnahme der ambulanten Kur als Pflichtleistung der<br />

Krankenkassen. Neben der hohen medizinischen Kompetenz<br />

bietet die Region zudem vielfältige Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten<br />

von Zertifikatslehrgängen bis hin zu berufsbegleitenden<br />

Hochschulangeboten im Bereich der Gesundheitswirtschaft.<br />

Mit dem ZTM Zentrum für Telemedizin Bad Kissingen hat<br />

sich der innovative Einsatz moderner Technologien zur Verbesserung<br />

der Gesundheitsversorgung zukunftsfähig etabliert.<br />

In Zusammenarbeit mit medizinischen Institutionen wie dem<br />

RHÖN-KLINIKUM Campus Bad Neustadt, dem Universitätsklinikum<br />

Würzburg und weiteren Einrichtungen werden<br />

telemedizinische Anwendungen und Digitalisierungsprojekte in<br />

<strong>Mainfranken</strong> entwickelt und sowohl regional als auch bundesweit<br />

umgesetzt.<br />

Zwischen den Akteuren der Gesundheitswirtschaft bestehen<br />

mainfrankenweit vielfältige Kooperationen und Netzwerke.<br />

Auf Landesebene gehören das Bäderland Bayerische Rhön,<br />

Haßberge, Main-Spessart, Schweinfurt und Würzburg zu den<br />

Gesundheitsregionenplus des Bayerischen Gesundheits- und<br />

Pflegeministeriums. Hier wird durch innovative Projekte und<br />

Vernetzungen die Qualität der medizinischen Versorgung, der<br />

Gesundheitsförderung sowie der Pflege weiter gesteigert.<br />

Foto: e-studio Stefan Wollin<br />

In the northern part of Main Franconia – Bäderland Bayerische<br />

Rhön – the five spa towns of Bad Bocklet, Bad Brückenau,<br />

Bad Kissingen, Bad Königshofen and Bad Neustadt have been<br />

working closely together for 20 years on further developing and<br />

marketing modern health services. This region, which bears<br />

the ”Gesundheitsregion Bayern” seal of quality, has an aboveaverage<br />

density of healthcare businesses, including more than<br />

40 clinics and convalescence facilities with a focus especially on<br />

the health and spa sector, i.e. prevention and rehabilitation, as<br />

well as health tourism. In terms of total employment, the share<br />

of employees in the healthcare industry in the district of Bad<br />

Kissingen is the highest in Bavaria with about 28 per cent. Bad<br />

Kissingen, according to an Emnid survey the most famous spa<br />

town in Germany, has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site on<br />

the Great Spa Towns of Europe list since 2021. In future, new<br />

opportunities will arise, especially for the health resorts in Main<br />

Franconia, due to the reinstatement of outpatient convalescence<br />

as a standard benefit offered by the health insurance companies.<br />

In addition to its high level of medical expertise, the region also<br />

offers a wide range of further education opportunities, from<br />

certificate courses to part-time university programmes in the<br />

healthcare industry. With the Zentrum für Telemedizin (ZTM)<br />

in Bad Kissingen, the innovative use of modern technologies to<br />

improve health care has become established in a sustainable way.<br />

In cooperation with medical institutions such as the RHÖN-<br />

KLINIKUM Campus Bad Neustadt, the University Hospital<br />

Würzburg and other institutions, telemedicine applications and<br />

digitalisation projects are being developed in Main Franconia<br />

and implemented both regionally and nationwide.<br />

There is a wide range of collaborations and networks involving<br />

the stakeholders in the healthcare industry throughout Main-<br />

Franconia. At the state level, Bäderland Bayerische Rhön, Haßberge,<br />

Main-Spessart, Schweinfurt and Würzburg belong to<br />

the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care’s Gesundheitsregionenplus<br />

network. Innovative projects and networks are<br />

working to further improve the quality of medical care, health<br />

promotion and nursing care.<br />

The second healthcare market also plays an important role<br />

for Main Franconia: as health awareness increases, so does the<br />

willingness to privately bear the costs of health and well-being.<br />


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