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336 VARNA VARUNA.<br />

VARZVA. '<br />

Class or caste.' The Chatur-vaim, or four castes,<br />

as found established in the code of Manu, are<br />

1. Brahman The sacerdotal and learned class, the members<br />

of which may be, but are not necessarily priests.<br />

2. Kshatriya. The 'regal and warrior caste.<br />

3. Yaisya. Trading and agricultural caste.<br />

4. $udra. Servile caste, whose duty is to serve the other<br />

three.<br />

The first three castes were called dwi-ja, "twice born or<br />

regenerate/'<br />

from their being entitled to investiture with the sacred<br />

thread which effects a second birth. The Brahmans maintain<br />

that their caste alone remains, that the other three have been<br />

lost or degraded, and it is generally believed that there are no<br />

pure Kshatriyas or Yaisyas now existing. The numerous castes<br />

which, have sprung up from the intercourse of people of different<br />

*<br />

castes or from other causes are called Varwa-sankara, mixed<br />

castes/<br />

YAKSHA A region. Nine varshas are enumerated as<br />

situated between the great mountain ranges of the earth :<br />

(i.)<br />

Bharata-varsha, India ; (2.) Kim-purusha or Kin-nara ; (3.)<br />

Hari; (4.) Ramyaka; (5.) Eiran-maya; (6.) TJttara-kuru ;<br />

(7.) Havnta; (8.) Bhadraswa ; (9.) Ketu-mala,<br />

YAESILZVEYA. A name of Krishna as a descendant of<br />

Ynshrai. Name of King Nala's charioteer.<br />

YABTTIKAS. Supplementary rules or notes to the grammar<br />

of Panini by later grammarians, as Katyayana, Patanjali,<br />

&e. Katyayana is the chief of these annotators, and is called<br />

Varttika-kaxa, 'the annotator.'<br />

YARILYA Similar to Ougavo'c. 'The universal encom-<br />

passer, the all-embracer.' One of the oldest of the Yedic deities,<br />

a personification of the all-investing sky, the maker and up-<br />

holder of heaven and earth. As such he is king of the universe,<br />

king of gods and men, possessor of illimitable knowledge, the<br />

supreme deity to whom especial honour is due, He is often<br />

associated with Mitra, he being the ruler of the night and Mitra<br />

of the day ; but his name frequently occurs alone, that of Mitra<br />

only seldom. In later times he was chief among the lower<br />

celestial deities called Adityas, and later still he became a sort of<br />

Neptune, a god of the seas and rivers, who rides upon the<br />

Makara This character he still retains. His sign is a tislx

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