SLEEP 2011 Abstract Supplement

SLEEP 2011 Abstract Supplement

SLEEP 2011 Abstract Supplement


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A. Basic Science XI. Sleep Deprivation<br />

Conclusion: Extended “recovery” sleep over the weekend reverses the<br />

impact of one work-week of mild sleep restriction on sleepiness but<br />

does not improve performance suggesting that complete performance<br />

recovery may require more that just two days. In addition, it appears that<br />

increased SWS in women compared to men protects them from the effect<br />

of sleep loss on sleepiness and performance impairment, whereas it<br />

enhances recovery from these effects of modest sleep loss.<br />

0275<br />



Rao H 1,2,3,4 , Luftig D 2 , Lim J 2 , Detre JA 1 , Dinges DF 2<br />

1<br />

Center for Functional Neuroimaging, Department of Neurology<br />

and Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA,<br />

2<br />

Division of Sleep & Chronobiology, Department of Psychiatry,<br />

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 3 Center<br />

for Functional Brain Imaging, South China Normal University,<br />

Guangzhou, China, 4 Department of Psychology, Sun Yat-Sen<br />

University, Guangzhou, China<br />

Introduction: Sleep deprivation (SD) can induce significant deficits in<br />

vigilant attention, working memory, and executive function. However,<br />

the effects of SD on risk-taking behavior are unclear, with some studies<br />

reporting greater risk-taking behavior while others reporting no changes<br />

following sleep loss. The present study used functional MRI with a<br />

modified balloon analog risk task (BART) paradigm and examined the<br />

effects of 24h of total sleep deprivation (TSD) on the neural correlates<br />

of risk-taking.<br />

Methods: A total of 27 healthy adults (13 male) were scanned on a Siemens<br />

3T Trio scanner while performing a modified BART task at rested<br />

baseline (BL) and after 24h of TSD, using a standard EPI sequence.<br />

During the BART, subjects were required to sequentially inflate a virtual<br />

balloon that could either grow larger or explode. Imaging data were<br />

analyzed by SPM5.<br />

Results: Behavioral data showed no changes of risk-taking propensity<br />

from BL to SD (6.5 vs. 6.6, p>.7). Imaging data showed robust activation<br />

in the mesolimbic, frontal, and visual pathway areas during the<br />

BART both at BL and during SD, which replicated our previous studies.<br />

Direct comparisons between these brain activation patterns indicated no<br />

differences from BL to SD. However, direct comparisons between the<br />

neural responses to the loss events (balloon explosion) showed reduced<br />

activation in the left insula. Furthermore, at BL, both SPM whole brain<br />

analysis and independent ROI analysis showing that insular and striatum<br />

activation level negatively correlated with risk-taking propensity, which<br />

also replicated our previous finding. However, such negative correlations<br />

were not found after SD.<br />

Conclusion: Consistent with literature, our data showed that 24h of<br />

TSD did not change risk-taking behavior. However, significantly reduced<br />

activation in the insula was observed during loss events following<br />

TSD, which may reflect diminished negative emotional response to loss<br />

outcomes during risk-taking. Moreover, the loss of negative correlations<br />

between risk-taking behavior and activation level in insular and<br />

striatum following TSD, suggesting that one night sleep loss can alter<br />

neural mechanisms mediating inter-individual differences in risk-taking<br />

propensity without actual behavioral changes. Overall, our data suggest<br />

that sleep loss alters neural responses associated with risk-taking and<br />

support the hypothesis that neuroimaging findings may be a precursor to<br />

the behavioral changes following long-term sleep deprivation.<br />

Support (If Any): This study is supported by Air Force Office of Scientific<br />

Research Grant FA9550-05-1-0293, NIH Grant R01 HL102119;<br />

in part by the National Space Biomedical Research Institute through<br />

NASA NCC 9-58; and in part by NIH Grants CTRC UL1RR024134<br />

and P30 NS045839.<br />

0276<br />





Rao H 1,2,3,4 , Lim J 2 , Zhu S 1,4 , Wu W 1 , Hu S 1,2 , Detre JA 1 , Dinges DF 2<br />

1<br />

Center for Functional Neuroimaging, Department of Neurology<br />

and Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA,<br />

2<br />

Division of Sleep & Chronobiology, Department of Psychiatry,<br />

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 3 Center<br />

for Functional Brain Imaging, South China Normal University,<br />

Guangzhou, China, 4 Department of Psychology, Sun Yat-Sen<br />

University, Guangzhou, China<br />

Introduction: Sleep deprivation (SD) degrades multiple aspects of neurocognitive<br />

performance. With few exceptions, recent neuroimaging<br />

studies have reported hypo-activation in fronto-parietal regions during<br />

various tasks following sleep loss. However, most of these studies focused<br />

on the effects of SD on task-induced neural activation, while the<br />

effects of SD on resting brain function without task requirements remain<br />

unexplored. The present study used arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion<br />

fMRI and examined the effects of 24h of total SD on brain function<br />

at rest and during a psychomotor vigilance test (PVT).<br />

Methods: A total of 31 healthy adults (16 male) were scanned on a Siemens<br />

3T Trio scanner at non-task resting states and during the PVT after<br />

normal sleep and after 24h of TSD, using a a pseudo-continuous ASL<br />

sequence. Data were analyzed by SPM5. One mean resting CBF image<br />

was generated for each condition from each subject before and after<br />

TSD. Whole brain general linear modeling analysis was conducted.<br />

Results: TSD significantly disrupted PVT performance (p

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