Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal

Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal

Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal


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<strong>Promethium</strong>‐mur <strong>Journal</strong> 23<br />

02/07:30 GENERALS 9 Very thirsty this morning, more than normal<br />

02/07:39 GENERALS 9 I am unusually tired!!<br />

03/10:00 GENERALS 9 One thing I noticed yesterday is my body temperature - I am sensitive to temperature changes: if it's hot I'm<br />

hot, if it's cold - I'm cold. I even turned the heater on in my office because the AC was too cold. I needed to<br />

wrap in my shawl in the AC - then I would get overheated - suddenly so hot I can't stand it. This is unusual!!<br />

I'm IN menopause but no hot flashes normally. Also in the night I was kind of hot and cold. Normally I get<br />

up to the bathroom once or twice in a night and my temperature is fine - but since the remedy substance I<br />

notice that I am too hot or too cold - I need the covers on or off.<br />

03/10:07 GENERALS 9 I was telling my male friend about the proving and he said "I don't know if I like that! "human<br />

experimentation!"<br />

03/10:15 GENERALS 9 I worked out this morning - the workout this week is the one I hate but I felt stronger.<br />

03/10:20 GENERALS 9 Emotionally - just kind of normal stuff - my son is not responding to his calls or texts and then he gets kind of<br />

mad at me and thinks I should be able to read his mind or something - I feel more willing to pester him - I<br />

want an answer about if he's coming to the cabin this weekend. Like this is what HE'LL do - I'll be with a<br />

client and he'll call me over and over until finally I'll have to excuse myself to my patient and say I have to<br />

take this call and then I'll tell him that I'm with a client and I'll call him back and then that is usually OK with<br />

him. So now I'm doing that to him - resending texts, etc. My feeling - I'm irritated with him and usually I'd<br />

just blow it off - I think I'm a little MORE irritated. I want to chew him out! And - if I keep on he'll start to<br />

get really mad and he'll stop listening to me so - I don't always do it.<br />

06/04:04 GENERALS 9 I am a little achy in the mornings - all over- but I think I am LESS achy after working out than usual.<br />

09/06:30 GENERALS 9 Sensitive to changes in temperature, window open over night and felt cool in the morning so pulled heavier<br />

covers up<br />

09/08:02 GENERALS 9 I always sleep with the windows open and I noticed that I was sensitive to cool in the night and had pulled<br />

some extra covers up. It is only 2 degrees cooler than what I usually keep the air conditioning set at. I did turn<br />

the heater on in my office one day too but my office mate said later that she thought it had been cool, too. So I<br />

think I am still more sensitive to temperature.<br />

09/08:10 GENERALS 9 Sitting inside with windows open and hands cold, normally really enjoy the cool mornings<br />

11/09:00 GENERALS 9 Weird aches and pains.<br />

11/09:02 GENERALS 9 Whole core was sore - It's never like that.<br />

11/09:07 GENERALS 9 Unusual aches and pains.<br />

11/09:07 GENERALS 9 Returning to yoga, no muscular pains which is different than usual.<br />

11/09:27 GENERALS 9 Really sensitive to temperature changes (I used to be really cold, cold all the time, then after menopause I<br />

warmed up). This temperature change sensitivity is of a different quality. Icy cold. Non-feeling. The edge of a<br />

cold mountain, a rocky ledge, it reminds me of a bird up high in the mountains.<br />

15/08:00 GENERALS 9 I'm Skyping on my iPad (from bed - she's still in bed - I see her on her side). My son and I took some furniture<br />

up to the cabin last night and I didn't get to bed until 3:30 - I'm really tired.<br />

15/08:19 GENERALS 9 No pains<br />

15/08:20 GENERALS 9 My boyfriend and I fell off the Ski jet - he wrenched his back but I was fine.<br />

15/08:21 GENERALS 9 Temperature - I think I'm back to normal - NO - I think I'm still kind of chilly.<br />

15/08:22 GENERALS 9 Hunger and thirst back to normal<br />

20/08:00 GENERALS 9 I forgot to call - really have nothing to report.<br />

20/08:03 GENERALS 9 No pains. Well - I am a little sore because I was on the inner tube with my grandson yesterday.

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