Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal

Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal

Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal


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<strong>Promethium</strong>‐mur <strong>Journal</strong> 66<br />

20/18:30 MIND 10 Feeling better already. Got a call from my out-of-state daughter who had a mini-crisis (car repairs from a<br />

flying board on the freeway in Nevada) which both my hubby & I agreed needed some financial intervention.<br />

Being carless today, I hopped on my bike and headed to the bank to deposit into another bank for a transfer.<br />

The wind was huge today...and it felt like one of my contacts was going to blow right off! The situation with<br />

my being able to help fueled my momentum today and shifted my focus in a way that seemed to pull me up out<br />

of the muck & mire I felt earlier today. While biking home this afternoon, I saw a large eagle between Goose<br />

Lake & White Bear Lake. It was awesome.....it seemed t o be riding the waves of the wind effortlessly but it<br />

also looked as if this bird was being carried along with the wind. Eagles often remind me of that verse in<br />

Isaiah that speaks of renewed strength & hope while one looks to Providence. "Those who wait upon the Lord<br />

will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not be weary. They will<br />

walk and not faint."<br />

21/00:00 MIND 10 Today while caring for my grandson at my daughter-in-law's house, I was mildly aware that the continual ease<br />

& tranquility I had previously enjoyed seemed to be dissipating. My grandson is 15 months old & due to his<br />

living out of state, this is the first opportunity I've had to spend more than just a few hours with him. I was<br />

caring for him 24/7 from Wednesday @ 6:30am to Thursday morning. It was a joy...and yet I felt like I had to<br />

be continually on alert as it were with what time he ate {his daycare requires this as part of their on-going<br />

care}, whether or not he might fall or become distraught in missing his mom & dada. Looking back, the level<br />

of responsibility that is required of my usual life was suddenly amped up a huge notch. But all in all, my peace<br />

& sense of humor remained in place....but there was a certain amount of subliminal stress involved. Case in<br />

point - my daughter-in-law's father dropped off our grandson at 7:00am on Wednesday. I was already there as<br />

I had spent the night before to insure that I would not be late and to accommodate my daughter-in-law's<br />

parents who have been caring for this sweet, little man for several months now as my daughter-in-law gets<br />

readjusted to moving back here from California with her young son. In spite of my good intentions to be up<br />

and running and ready to watch my grandson all day, I had inadvertently mixed up the am/pm settings on my<br />

alarm clock. And it's ironic, as one of my biggest concerns about the collective plan was that I would<br />

oversleep and not be ready for the day and it's demands. Funny how the things we fear do come upon us...and<br />

that is what happened.<br />

21/00:00 MIND 10 I answered the door just seconds after waking up and met my little guy & his other grandpa with bed head and<br />

jammies and gar-gar breath. Oh Well!!! Not a traumatically embarrassing moment by any stretch...but an<br />

exercise in putting things in perspective for sure. Fear of being criticized & judged is universal & part of my<br />

past construct was to be sensitive to that. Thankfully I have moved beyond that constraining dynamic and good<br />

to know that the other grandparent is a mellow fellow and a kind soul...who likely is not holding me in<br />

reproach, in spite of the fact that our kids are having marital problems, largely due to my son's interest in a<br />

third party. I share this only to provide some context for my qualms about at least appearing to be responsible<br />

and trustworthy. I know that I am....but that element of feeling judged does make it 's way into my mind in<br />

certain situations. I survived and later even laughed out loud when I got home after the same grandpa picked<br />

up our grandson and I realized that I had what looked like poop all over the side of my pants. So glad God has<br />

a sense of humor that He blesses me with when I need that!<br />

22/00:00 MIND 10 After my grandson was picked up and I had a moment to just sit and enjoy breakfast & some nice hot coffee<br />

made from fresh ground beans, I read in that day's devotional 'Come to Me and Rest. Give your mind a break<br />

from it's habitual judging. You form judgments about this situation, that situation, this person, that person,<br />

yourself.....as if judging were your main function in life....When you become preoccupied with passing<br />

judgment, you usurp My role. Relate to Me as creature to Creator, sheep to Shepherd, subject to King, clay to<br />

Potter....rather than evaluating My ways with you, accept then thankfully....Worship Me as King of Kings<br />

while walking hand in hand with Me down the path of Life.' Somewhere in this daily devotional I had seen in<br />

print the word 'Potentate' and I marveled at what an interesting and fitting word this is...but how seldom we<br />

hear this expression in our culture. These words from today and that one word Potentate had generated a<br />

continuum of thoughts about the Almighty & His creation. I was excited to be about my day after my grandson<br />

left & felt energized and invigorated while cleaning the house & doing laundry before my daughter-in-law's<br />

return from CA. It felt so very good to help her in this way...not only to clean up for her, as I know she is in a<br />

highly- transitional phase of her life w/much stress around that, but also to have opportunity to spend nurturing<br />

time with my grandson. He's a joy!

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