Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal

Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal

Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal


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<strong>Promethium</strong>‐mur <strong>Journal</strong> 7<br />

14/06:21 DREAMS 2 some guardian or something like that has gone into the city to retrieve two children, they have been with a<br />

person who is crazy or something. She is all in black and wearing a black top hat, she kind of looks like<br />

Eartha Kitt. She is moving about gesturing with her hand and talking madness. This is in a city, on a city<br />

street, The children are in a ferry boat being taken back home. There is a boy and girl. The girl is looking<br />

down in the water, watching the lights on the water, and noticing that the locks that the ferry is going through<br />

looks different, changed somehow, like pieces of it are missing. She is not happy about being taken back.<br />

The boy is laughing and does not seem to care. Back now, in a big house, There is some kind of illness,<br />

maybe the boy is sick. Men in 1890's suits are huddled around discussing the illness. It is very late, they have<br />

lost track of time. The girl looks out the window seeing the sun is about to rise. She hears music and says, it's<br />

a cello. She plays the cello. She opens the window to listen, the men are oblivious. She looks down on the<br />

street. Now she is up the roof. A man with a painted face, sort of like a jester or clown, is talking to her - Is<br />

he a vampire? He is saying you could come away to make music like this , you don't have to stay here. It is<br />

not clear what his intentions are.<br />

19/07:00 DREAMS 2 My friend is kidnapped by a man and a woman. I am there . We are in a car and he is knocked out in the back<br />

seat. I am yelling out a window trying to open a door, the car is driving very close along a walk way near the<br />

ocean, there are a lot of people there but no one is helping. I somehow get out of the car. I get to where they<br />

have taken my friend. It is a house, I call the police but the police are not coming. I am at the police station<br />

trying to get someone to pay attention to this. A plain clothes officer says he will help. They are not moving on<br />

this fast enough. I go to the house and bust in. I take the woman hostage, I am behind her with my arm around<br />

her neck and I some how manage to knock the guy out, The police finally get there. I am acknowledged for<br />

helping solve this case. We are at the police station and I am pushing the two criminals to the place where they<br />

get booked, a woman behind the desk is helping me and told me I did a good job, I am in the back room with<br />

the officers, this tall guy George, in a yellow t-shirt is standing really close and saying I did a good job or<br />

something like that.<br />

29/00:00 DREAMS 2 I am in this house with these people, in this kitchen, a microwave that is square, not rectangular, it is like a<br />

ritual, someone has drawn these figures, there is this cartoonist, sideways character, the arms and legs are<br />

wobbly. A side profile, almost like a hieroglyph. That what the wave is like. Oh, right, micro-wave. That's<br />

funny. The microwave was black... Or, white? On the main door there are all of these drawings, there was a<br />

color form that you could peel off. I go into the living room and there is a guy sitting in this chair, he's<br />

laughing. It's like a shrine.<br />

29/00:00 DREAMS 2 The shrine is like a tabernacle, a shrine, like a focusing kind of place, it focuses your attention, your spiritual<br />

attention. The thing that keeps coming, that I want to reject is about laughter, laughing, the character on the<br />

microwave shrine is laughing, the person who drew the hieroglyphic like character was laughing, a joyful,<br />

good-hearted laughter (deep sigh).<br />

29/00:00 DREAMS 3 A vivid and detailed dream with a family -two boys - Ages 12 and 10 respectively and two sisters - . Don’t<br />

know what will happen to one of them Eight children altogether - 4 older boys. In the dream I was driving to<br />

collect soil samples and went up a hill and got stuck behind a car and had to turn into a driveway and stopped.<br />

I was trying to arrange may samples so they would not spill all over the car seat, since some of them had quite<br />

a bit of water and the containers had no tops. In process of rearranging my car, I locked the keys in car. There<br />

was a group of men and boys in front of a garage out of which flowed many bricks, and pieces of wood. The<br />

garage had other items in it. This was a project and my car was blocking the activity. I was going to send for a<br />

locksmith and while I was discussing this with Mr. S. two boys used a coat hanger to lift the lock and open the<br />

door. I was taken into the house where Mrs. S was preparing a meal in a large room filled with tables and<br />

chairs, like a small school room. I was offered a drink. I wanted alcoholic, but since I would be driving I took<br />

cranberry juice. The car was turned around in the driveway so the group could get on with cleaning the<br />

garage. When I realized that my car was stuck, felt guilty and apologized since these people had been<br />

assembled for this task. I suggested the car be pushed out of he way. That is when the two boys unlocked the<br />

car. The group arranged themselves in a line to remove the items and piled them into a container on the edge<br />

of the driveway. My interpretations of the dream. Family - I always wanted to be part of a big, loving family<br />

with a strong and loving set of parents. Going up the hill and getting stuck - In my life journey I have run into<br />

obstacles - the car is my mother (the obstacle) and going in the driveway is looking for assistance outside. I try<br />

to do it myself, but when I cannot I feel as if I am getting in other people’s way. The samples are things I<br />

collect but I feel I am going to lose if I do not protect them. The locked car is my way of keeping things for<br />

myself. The boys unlocking the car free me up. The reference to the girl (Pawn) who may not make it - I think<br />

is me. Mr. S is my guardian angel or guide.

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