Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal

Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal

Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal


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<strong>Promethium</strong>‐mur <strong>Journal</strong> 81<br />

25/12:16 MIND 116 To be a balanced person. This is hard. To integrate it into my life so there is harmony and balance. Right<br />

now it feels just up and down, when someone is raising their vibration, thru healing, when you fall or stumble<br />

there is a greater distance to fall. The highs are higher but the lows are lower.<br />

25/12:17 MIND 116 I can't access any of them right now. They are all dead ends. Maybe I'm not supposed to be seeking outside<br />

myself.<br />

01/06:41 MISC 1 I just took the proving substance<br />

11/05:02 MOUTH 1 Nothing tastes right; metallic taste, like a penny…<br />

01/00:00 MOUTH 4 My teeth want to bite.<br />

01/19:20 MOUTH 9 Dry, want water even though already drank eighth glasses of water today plus hot and cold tea<br />

01/21:00 MOUTH 9 gums sore, canker sore left side in gums/joint,<br />

04/00:00 MOUTH 10 I must say I have really been enjoying food these last 4 days. Fruit is especially appealing, like cherries &<br />

watermelon. Bananas not so much but this is par for me. Oranges either…not so much, but cantaloupe &<br />

pineapple really taste good to me. I notice I am making excellent food choices and more easily exercising<br />

discretion and self-control with foods like Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate-covered caramels. These have long<br />

been one of my weak spots. Now I find I can enjoy them even more, and eat only one or two at a time & be<br />

fine with that. Almost everything, liquids included taste so good to me.<br />

15/11:45 MOUTH 10 This is something I had wanted to report a day or 2 ago, but have forgotten. Well over a month ago now I had<br />

lost a filling in the lower front of my mouth, on the left side. My dentist is closed on Friday's and this had<br />

mandated that I live with that jagged edged tooth for several days. Consequently, I developed a very sore,<br />

blister-like wound on the inside of my lip where the skin would get trapped between the jagged edges around<br />

this absent filling. It had healed well after a new filling was replaced. Fast forward to a day or so ago and for<br />

no real reason....I suddenly felt that sore again and can see that it is in the same place as the old one was...only<br />

there is no real reason for this to be here now. It has been annoying and painful. I mention it now as it is<br />

slowly receding today. But how strange is this....like a return of old symptoms....from injuries. I'm glad this<br />

owie is on it's way out.<br />

01/08:11 MOUTH 11 As I'm sucking on the remedy, I have a bitter taste in my mouth. top of tongue and roof of mouth feel dry.<br />

10/06:30 MOUTH 11 Noticed a canker sore on the right side of my tongue; I haven't had one in half a year or so, though I used to<br />

get them all the time when stressed<br />

10/14:10 MOUTH 11 Bit my tongue hard to the point of bleeding<br />

11/01:00 MOUTH 11 A couple gums bled quite a bit after flossing tonight; I couldn't stop it just by rinsing my mouth once, it took<br />

many times, and even then I was still spitting out pink water; bloody taste in mouth from it, which I don't<br />

normally like but the dislike seemed stronger this time because I seemed more sensitive to the smallest taste of<br />

it<br />

11/12:50 MOUTH 11 Canker sore appears to be gone. Cut on tongue is almost not there anymore, and it was a brand-new big cut<br />

just yesterday! Healing faster than usual<br />

13/22:00 MOUTH 11 Gums haven't bled since the other night, but the gum above my right front tooth has had a cut for the last few<br />

days; it hasn't healed quickly like my other cuts or injuries; it's been painful to floss and brush my teeth in that<br />

area, but tonight it's finally okay to brush lightly; it looks red and inflamed there, and where the cut is, it's<br />

white like a canker sore<br />

16/16:20 MOUTH 11 Yesterday noticed at this time the start of a canker sore on the right side of the tip of my tongue, close to the<br />

place my canker sore was a few days before if not exactly the same place; today there's little or no sign of that<br />

canker sore; this seems unusually fast, the canker sore didn't even develop; seems like it may be a healing<br />

response since it didn't bother me much and went away quickly<br />

17/23:30 MOUTH 11 Upper back of left gums bled a lot when flossing<br />

23/00:20 MOUTH 11 Flossed and upper back left gums bled a lot; the amount of blood reminded me of when I lost a tooth as a kid,<br />

way more than normal when flossing!<br />

28/08:00 MOUTH 11 I feel an infection starting in my left back lower gums (I've had this before but not in a while)<br />

30/09:00 MOUTH 11 Infected feeling in back lower left gums is still fairly slight, not getting worse, which is unusual, though I can<br />

feel tenderness in the area of the mandible-maxilla joint and along the mandibular nerve<br />

08/21:00 NECK 10 I am aware that the back of my neck feels stiff and it's almost like I have a headache in the area of my upper<br />

neck. It hurts but only slightly.<br />

08/22:10 NECK 10 I find myself rubbing my neck on the left side. It feels like it's being strained & that the pull is coming from<br />

my left shoulder and/or my shoulder blade in my back. The aching in my shoulder blade area has mostly<br />

faded, but I did notice today while driving that it felt a tad tight.<br />

12/10:50 NECK 10 While on my morning walk, the right side of my neck felt stiff & achy. It lasted only a minute or so.

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