Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal

Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal

Promethium muriaticum Entire Proving Journal


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<strong>Promethium</strong>‐mur <strong>Journal</strong> 68<br />

26/00:00 MIND 10 Today is Rosh Hashanah, a major Jewish Holy Day. I used to know what all these feasts meant…and I am at a<br />

loss to recall the traditional meaning. From my point of reference in being a Christ-Follower, I do know that<br />

every major event in Jesus' life fell over or right on a major Jewish Holiday, the parallels of which are<br />

poignant and beyond a type & shadow. It is a good day for me in that I am feeling free from the momentary,<br />

slight depression which I experienced a few days ago in the <strong>Proving</strong>. This depression was very reminiscent of<br />

the feeling I had for many years...many moons ago. It came and left. Much like the other symptoms in this<br />

<strong>Proving</strong>...some of which were familiar to me...others not so much. But all fleeting nonetheless. Passing<br />

quickly. Thank God! It is interesting to me, that today of all days, I would 'stumble upon' a rolled-up Map,<br />

35:X45" which is in essence, a World History Timeline. It is a wonderfully crafted work subtitled, 'Biblical<br />

and Historical Chronology Presented in One Complete View.' I had purchased this as a gift to myself many<br />

years ago and had put it away in hopes of someday finding a suitable frame. I found this while cleaning the<br />

guest room today. It's a colorful, highly-intricate layout that has a distant-view of our planet in the middle of<br />

what can only be described as an accurate, comprehensive delineation of time as we know it as it relates to the<br />

Geological Ages & Development of Life, along with every significant event in our World's history, starting<br />

with the great flood and continuing in a semi-circular layout up until the year 2000.<br />

28/00:00 MIND 10 Today I called an agent at a mortgage company that is one of my client's for a small commercial cleaning<br />

business. I had somehow accidentally sent her an older attachment for one of my invoices. I am clueless as to<br />

how this could have happened as I have been sending the same readjusted template for many months and in<br />

several cases, years. It might be the energy around this <strong>Proving</strong>, but suffice to say that I am ready to wrap up<br />

and call it a day with our <strong>Proving</strong> labor of love. Tomorrow will be the 4-week mark from when I began. In<br />

hearing the <strong>Proving</strong> Master's encouragement to look at 4 specific things: Color-Food-Movies&Books and<br />

Heaven....I did my best to relay anything that I experienced that would seem as if it was resonating in my<br />

<strong>Proving</strong> vein. I'll leave the analysis of any patterns to those elected to do so.<br />

28/00:00 MIND 10 But in closing, I would like to share a memory from Class 5 that has stayed with me, which I feel connects me<br />

to the subject of Heaven and the One who calls this place my home. I recall one day of study while in school.<br />

We were all listening to one of our instructors while he inspired us to look at the Cosmos. And suddenly I<br />

realized that the Names for God in the Scriptures cover every single kingdom we can name...including the<br />

kingdom of time & space. The Great I Am has said, "I am the Alpha & Omega (Time)...the Bright and<br />

Morning Star...The Sun of Righteousness (Space).....the Rose of Sharon (plant family!)....the Bread of Life<br />

(food!)...The Lion of the Tribe of Judah (animal kingdom...not forgetting 'The Lamb').....The Rock<br />

(mineral)....The Light of the World (Color?!)....The Great Physician....King of Kings..." What more can I say<br />

as this <strong>Proving</strong> comes to a close? "He is the Consummation of all human History. Everything that exists finds<br />

it's perfection and fulfillment in Him." {Phillips Translation} Father in Heaven, bless every Prover and<br />

Supervisor & every person who will benefit from Your amazing creation through this discovered substance<br />

and physical agent used in this venture. Establish, strengthen and restore all of this to Your Kingdom & for<br />

Your Glory. Let it be and make it so, Yeshua Ha-Mashiac!<br />

01/08:12 MIND 11 This morning seeing a lot more hummingbirds than I normally see.<br />

01/08:45 MIND 11 Making me hold stuff in. Won't let me go. I can't let everything go. like it is being held in. I would like to<br />

breath sigh of relief and let everything go. It's like the flow has stopped. I can't take that step. The weight on<br />

my chest is keeping things in. Not allowing things to go free. My lungs want to full up fully but stop at a<br />

point.<br />

01/08:45 MIND 11 I am walking between two beds that are one foot apart. I chose the narrow way to get to the window.<br />

01/21:30 MIND 11 My temper blew, I'd had enough. People were asking me questions about things I didn't have answers for or<br />

time to research, and I couldn't handle it anymore. I wanted to be left alone, left to do my own thing. Although<br />

I was speaking curtly to family, I wasn't particularly angry with them. It was more of an extremely<br />

overwhelmed feeling, like I had too much on my chest. I "fumed" for an hour until one of my responsibilities<br />

disappeared...then, fairly immediately my fuming started to come down, like I had a tiny bit of room to<br />

breathe.<br />

01/22:00 MIND 11 When people asked me questions I didn't have the answer to, I told them flat out that I didn't know and didn't<br />

care, and I walked away telling them to ask someone else. I usually talk calmly and try to come up with or<br />

research answers or at least give them some of my time. I couldn't be bothered with that tonight, I was tired,<br />

filled up with other overwhelming things, and I simply couldn't handle more.

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