searchable PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

searchable PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

searchable PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies


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It indudes five spccies, of which thn:e are troglooites.Cylindroniscus seurati .\rcangcli is an endo~can ~pecicsfrolll Cuha: C. yucatanensis C\lulaik) is knownonlY frorn ~anta \laria, Yucatan, and is probablyalso all endogean. C~vlindroniscus cavicolus is apparentlyvcry closely related to C. vallesensis Schultz(Schultz. IlJ70a).Cylindroniscus maya I{iojaCylindronisch us: I{ioja, ] lJS5b: 61 (erroncous spellln~).Cylilldrolliscus maya I{ioja, 1l)58:~69-277, fii!. 1-28;\luliJik, 1%0:B2, lJ2-11(l. ] 18, fii!. 571-Sl.JB;:\icllOlas. 1%2: 172: Schultz, ]970a:407, ·108­·WlJ; J{t:ddell, ]l.J710::2:3; I{l:dddl, 1977b::22l.J,240, 2(J8, :2B5.AntrolliscllS balamensis l\lulaik, ]960:B2, 117, IHl,fig. 56-S8; 0iidlOlas, 1%2:171; Schultz, 1970a:W7·40B.Type-Iocality.-Of CylindroniscLls maya: Ct:notede SiJlnlJUlha (=SarnhullOlJ-4J2,fig. 1-1lJ; I{eddell, llJ71 b ::23: Heddell and \Iitchell,LlJ7]a: 143; l\cddcll, ]lJ7:la:32, :37; Rl:ddellJnu Elliott. llJ7:IJ:171, 172.Cylindroniscus 51'. nL vallesensis: I{.eddcll and Elliott,1973a: 172.Type-Iocality.-Cucva Pinta, 8 lIIi :\1

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