Clinical Textbook of Addictive Disorders 3rd ed - R. Frances, S. Miller, A. Mack (Guilford, 2005) WW

Clinical Textbook of Addictive Disorders 3rd ed - R. Frances, S. Miller, A. Mack (Guilford, 2005) WW

Clinical Textbook of Addictive Disorders 3rd ed - R. Frances, S. Miller, A. Mack (Guilford, 2005) WW

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160 III. SUBSTANCES OF ABUSEaffinity. This effect may be to stimulate, to inhibit, or a variety <strong>of</strong> in-betweeneffects. The natural ligand for marijuana is call<strong>ed</strong> anandamide, and its receptoris the anandamide receptor. Interestingly, the term “anandamide” is deriv<strong>ed</strong>from the Hindi word for bless. At present, pharmaceutical companies have synthesiz<strong>ed</strong>both agonists and antagonists to the receptor. Much research has beenconduct<strong>ed</strong> to identify the properties <strong>of</strong> these compounds, but it is still unclearwhat function they serve in mammalian and human brains. Cannabinoid receptorshave been describ<strong>ed</strong> in various regions <strong>of</strong> the brain, with the greatest abundancein the basal ganglia and hippocampus, areas involv<strong>ed</strong> with memory function.The hemp plant synthesizes at least 400 chemicals, <strong>of</strong> which more than 60are cannabinoid. Pyrolyzing the plant can create even more molecules. Very littleis known about the vast majorities <strong>of</strong> these molecules or their effects onhuman. The most psychologically and physiologically active compound isTHC. In the pyrolyz<strong>ed</strong> form, it actually becomes delta-11-tetrahydrocanbonol.This molecule is believ<strong>ed</strong> to account for most <strong>of</strong> marijuana’s effects. There are,however, numerous compounds whose effects remain completely unknown. Forinstance, it is known that marijuana use raises the seizure threshold overall andmakes it more difficult to have a seizure (Zagnoni & Albano, 2002). THCalone decreases the seizure threshold. This property <strong>of</strong> marijuana, therefore, isnot the result <strong>of</strong> THC, but rather some other cannabinoid. The two most abundantcannabinoids are cannabinol and cannabidiol. Much research is currentlyunderway regarding the possible use <strong>of</strong> marijuana in clinical or other settings.Physiological EffectsCannabis intoxication commonly heightens the user’s sensitivity to externalstimuli, thus making colors seem brighter and smells more pungent. It also distorts,sometimes severely, the user’s sense <strong>of</strong> time. The term “temporal disintegration”(Mathew, Wilson, Humphreys, Lowe, & Weithe, 1993) has beencoin<strong>ed</strong> to describe this slowing <strong>of</strong> subjective time after use <strong>of</strong> marijuana. Inaddition, at least in low doses, marijuana causes mild euphoria and feelings <strong>of</strong>relaxation. It is also know to increase appetite. There is some controversy overwhether individuals intoxicat<strong>ed</strong> with cannabis pose a hazard, as they seem to beattract<strong>ed</strong> to thrill-seeking behavior and are usually subdu<strong>ed</strong>. Some people haveargu<strong>ed</strong> that individuals who smoke marijuana are less likely to drive fast; however,reaction time to complex and unforeseen situations is slow<strong>ed</strong>, and musclestrength and hand–eye coordination is decreas<strong>ed</strong>. Because it delays reactiontime, alters time perception, and for many other reasons, marijuana must beconsider<strong>ed</strong> a danger to those who would operate a motor vehicle or use complexmachinery or equipment, thus putting themselves and others in danger.At higher dose levels and with chronic patterns <strong>of</strong> use, cannabis caninduce panic attacks (Deas, Gerding, & Hazy, 2000). This is especially com-

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