Clinical Textbook of Addictive Disorders 3rd ed - R. Frances, S. Miller, A. Mack (Guilford, 2005) WW

Clinical Textbook of Addictive Disorders 3rd ed - R. Frances, S. Miller, A. Mack (Guilford, 2005) WW

Clinical Textbook of Addictive Disorders 3rd ed - R. Frances, S. Miller, A. Mack (Guilford, 2005) WW

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19. HIV/AIDS and Substance Use <strong>Disorders</strong> 421tural competency presents the primary hurdle in altering risk behaviors, particularlysince community-bas<strong>ed</strong> outreach programs have prov<strong>ed</strong> to be the mosteffective (Kwiatowski, Booth, & Lloyd, 2000). For the users who cannot or willnot enter treatment, specific counseling methods can be employ<strong>ed</strong> to communicateeffective harm r<strong>ed</strong>uction techniques. IDUs must learn the hazards <strong>of</strong>ne<strong>ed</strong>le sharing and, for those who do not stop injecting, emphasis must beplac<strong>ed</strong> on use <strong>of</strong> a new, sterile ne<strong>ed</strong>le for each injection to prevent blood-borneinfections. Methods <strong>of</strong> ne<strong>ed</strong>le decontamination, such as flushing with bleach,can r<strong>ed</strong>uce some exposure risk, but are not as safe as using a sterile, unus<strong>ed</strong> ne<strong>ed</strong>lefor each injection (Gostin, Lazzarini, Jones, & Flaherty, 1997).Counseling for noninjecting substance abusers is no less important—especially when sex partners may be IDUs (see “Prevention and Public Health”).Alcoholics, especially females and stimulant users, should be specifically target<strong>ed</strong>for counseling on sexual practices during intoxicat<strong>ed</strong> states. Commercialsex work, <strong>of</strong>ten found link<strong>ed</strong> with drug use to support habits (Edlin et al., 1994)or bartering sex to obtain drugs, further adds to risk by introducing multiplepartners (Catania et al., 1992, 1995) and circumstances where safe sex practicesare unlikely to be easily maintain<strong>ed</strong>.HIV TESTING: CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONSThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has suggest<strong>ed</strong> since1988 that all patients admitt<strong>ed</strong> to substance abuse treatment programs bescreen<strong>ed</strong> for the presence <strong>of</strong> the HIV antibody. Screening and treatment forHIV infection are <strong>of</strong>ten link<strong>ed</strong> to substance abuse programs. Literature on thebehavioral impact <strong>of</strong> HIV testing is mix<strong>ed</strong>. For some who are HIV positive,testing and notification are catalysts for ne<strong>ed</strong>le use risk r<strong>ed</strong>uction among IDUsin treatment (Casadonte, Des Jarlais, Fri<strong>ed</strong>man, & Rotrose, 1990) or otherforms <strong>of</strong> behavioral change (Cleary et al., 1991). Comprehensive counselingmust accompany testing. For some individuals, either a positive or negativeHIV test can be a powerful motivating factor for continu<strong>ed</strong> treatment for theaddictive disorder (Perry, Fishman, Jacobsberg, Young, & <strong>Frances</strong>, 1991).Health pr<strong>of</strong>essionals can help facilitate positive motivation by stressing thebeneficial effects that drug abstinence and other healthy lifestyle changes canhave on the course <strong>of</strong> HIV infection, particularly in the context <strong>of</strong> effectiveART regimens. Watkins, Metzger, Woody, and McLellan (1993) found thatknowl<strong>ed</strong>ge <strong>of</strong> HIV status was an important determinate <strong>of</strong> condom use amongIDUs.Information on HIV status can aid physicians in evaluating patients withnonspecific m<strong>ed</strong>ical, neurological, and psychiatric symptoms and assist in theprompt recognition and treatment <strong>of</strong> infection (Stimmel, 1988). CD4+ lymphocytecounts and lymphocyte subsets, and viral load and viral resistance testingcan be us<strong>ed</strong> to stage treatment protocols for antiretroviral m<strong>ed</strong>ications. In

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