multipurpose tree species research for small farms: strategies ... - part

multipurpose tree species research for small farms: strategies ... - part

multipurpose tree species research for small farms: strategies ... - part


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Timber is needed by most of the farmers to<br />

manufacture farm implements and to build sheds<br />

and houses. While thick poles are used to build<br />

huts or houses which may last bctwccn 15-30)years,<br />

sheds <strong>for</strong> livestock and implements are built with<br />

thin poles of inferior quality to last <strong>for</strong> 5- 1M years.<br />

However, most farmers do not have sufliieueit<br />

resources to buy fodder or fuel, nor will they spend<br />

their valuable time and limited resources on the<br />

production of these products which night<br />

auversely affect their w.'age earning or food<br />

production potential.<br />

In many villages located near <strong>for</strong>ests, cutting<br />

wood from tile <strong>for</strong>est to sell as fuel or charcoal is<br />

the majotr source of employment. In the tribal<br />

areas of India, collection of minor <strong>for</strong>est products<br />

such as honey, wax, lac, gum, fruits, nuts, oil-seeds<br />

and herbs <strong>for</strong> medicines has been the major sourcc<br />

oft raditional employment <strong>for</strong> generations. With<br />

the increase in the tribal populations and the<br />

vanishing <strong>for</strong>est resources around them, .reation of<br />

alternate nmians of employment is a priority. To<br />

meet the needs of <strong>small</strong>-scale farmers, the social<br />

<strong>for</strong>estry program should be designed to generate<br />

surplus income and gainful employment while<br />

producing fodder and fuel <strong>for</strong> domestic<br />

consumption.<br />

To increase income and profitability, the<br />

program should be based on appropriate<br />

technology to increase production and basic<br />

infrastructure <strong>for</strong> organiiing input supply and<br />

marketing. The next important step should be to<br />

motivate the farmers to paiticipate in planting<br />

MPTS to improve their income level and quality of<br />

life.<br />

Technology Adoption<br />

The entire process of persuading <strong>small</strong> farmers<br />

to plant NIPTS can be divided into four stages.<br />

Creation of Awareness<br />

Small-scale farmers are often not aware of the<br />

potential of planting <strong>tree</strong>s to increase their income<br />

vithin a short time. It is necessary to give them<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation about the potential of MPTS to<br />

provide a sustainable livelihood.<br />

Motivation<br />

Small-scale farmers are cautious about adopting<br />

new technology and <strong>part</strong>icipating in new activities.<br />

It is necessary to encourage them to <strong>part</strong>icipate.<br />

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Training<br />

Aftcr prcparing the farmers to take <strong>part</strong> in<br />

the program, tlhey must be trained to acquire the<br />

necessary skills to increase production and<br />

optimi/e their available resources.<br />

Organizational Suppori<br />

Credii, inputs, technical supervision and<br />

marketing are essential support services needed<br />

to optimize production and profits. Small-scale<br />

farmers may not be able to <strong>part</strong>icipate in the<br />

program unless organizational support is<br />

assured.<br />

Extension Program<br />

When planning an extension program, the<br />

preceding stages should be studied carefully and<br />

appropriate <strong>strategies</strong> need to be developed to<br />

achieve the objectives at each stage.<br />

Creating awareness and motivation arc<br />

essential to cnhancc the <strong>part</strong>icipation of<br />

<strong>small</strong>-scale farmers. Once the farmers are<br />

motivated to cultivate MPTS, it will be easier to<br />

provide the necessary training to upgrade their<br />

skills.<br />

Communication is the key to create awareness.<br />

Two important components are the message<br />

and the media. Selection of both message and<br />

media depend on the target groups, which vary<br />

by country and region.<br />

Target (;roup<br />

In certain areas, :t is difficult to reach<br />

illiterate farmers through the most common<br />

communication media, but a variety of effective<br />

alternate approaches can be utilized, including<br />

local leaders, village youth organizations,<br />

women's <strong>for</strong>ums, schoolteachers and children.<br />

The media and messages vary in different<br />

regions depending on the education level, extent<br />

of fodder and fuewood availability, demand <strong>for</strong><br />

agricultural produce and other factors.<br />

Messages <strong>for</strong> Forestry Extension<br />

Be<strong>for</strong>e developing ncssages to create<br />

awareness and motivatec the people, it is<br />

necessary to clearly identify the issues that will<br />

be communicated to the target population.<br />

These issues rclatc to problems of de<strong>for</strong>estation<br />

and misconceptions about the re<strong>for</strong>estation<br />

program itself. Since farmers anticipatc the

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