Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

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4.9.9. Campaign ClientsFor every campaign clients must be assigned. This means loading records from tb_cclient to tb_ccampain_clients. Records from tb_cclient areusually not modified during the campaign. All modification will be done in tb_ccampain_clients and in tb_ccscript_processing (scrip answers).tb_ccscript_processing database fields:id: PK, unique identifier (autoincrement)campaignid: foreign key pointing to tb_cccampaigns.idclientid: foreign key pointing to tb_cclient.idclientname: first characters from tb_cclient.name. (denormalized here for speedup)datum: client record assigment dateoperatorid: last operator who have called this clientaquired: used in automatic calls for record locking. deprecated.enabled: if 0, than this client will not be called againcalltrycount: number of call attemptsrecalltrycount: number of recall attemptslastfailtype: wich number has failed last time (0=unknown,1=mobile,2=landline)called: the client has been called successfullyneedrecall: 0: no need for recall, 1=recall set manually by the operator, 2=recall automatically due to unhandled incoming call,3=other recallreson, >=4: already recalledrecalldate: date-time of the next recall attemptlastcalldate: date-time of the last call attempt (successfully or failed call)comment: any comment (can be filled by operators)randorder: deprecatednumstatus: wich number is present. 0=both are missing,1=only landline,2=only mobile,3=both (denormalized here for speedup)guidrand: used when clients need to be called randomly (not in database or A-Z order)rejected: 1 if the call was rejected (rejected by user not by the phone)rejectedreason: optional comment when rejected4.9.10. Campaign and global settingsAllowdbcalls: allow calls from database in MAgentAllowmanualcalls: allow manual calls in MAgentCallmaxring: max ringtime when automatic calls in sec

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