Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

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There are separate predictive threads for all campaigns. The campaign predictive related settings will overwrite the global configurationThe predictive thread will check if new calls are needed in every 1-20 sec (varies dynamically)Calls are started based on the following variables:-predictive mode-1: new call will be made only when waiting operators found-3: new calls will be started regularly based on predictive calculations-2: mix of 1 and 3-4: will switch between 1 and 2 dynamically-operator count (all, active, waiting)-call statistics (call count, asr, acd, dropprate) calculated on long term, midterm and short intervals-campaign and global configurations (desireddropprade, etc). Please check Global Settings for more details.The thread activity can be logged in tb_predectivelogs, otherwise the standard logs can be found when searching to “predictive”.Calls are started by the PREDECTIVE_DIALER user (this will be created automatically if not exists), so the A number will be its number(loaded from the „callbacknumber” config when created automatically). When the called party pickup the phone, a free operator will be searchedand the call will be towarded to it. So the call is already connected when it is presented to the operator. If the operator cannot handle the call, thana CDR record will be generated (usually with a short duration) but with a specified reason code. Another special case is when there is no freeoperator found when the call is connected. In this case the disconnect reason will be set to „No free operator on predective”.If the embedded dialer speed dosn‟t satisfy your need, you can control the speed by changing the desireddropprate and thepredectivecorrection configuration. The predective functionality perform better as there are more operators (more than 10).Predective related settings:- Callbacknumber: "A" number for calls. For example the predective dialer will use this number- Desireddropprate: optimal percent of calls wich cannot be assigned to operators when in predective (-100 has no effect)- Maxcallatonce: max number of calls in one round when in predective (error guard)- Maxcallsperminute: max new call attempts/minute when in predective (error guard)- Predectivecheckival: controlls the speed of the predective dialer thread -advanced technical setting- Predectivecorrection: correction of precalculated success ratio statistics in predective. for example if we set it to 80, than there will bemore calls with 20% than the precalculated optimal- Predectivedial: dialing mode: 0=simple MAgent requests,1=automatic on free clients,2=predective inteligent, 3=simple predective, 4=setautomatically- Predectivelogging: details of predective logs (0=no logs,1=minimal,2=nnormal,3=max log)- Statival: rebuild predective statistics interwal (-2 = automatic)- Stopwrongcdrc: pause predective if the ASR is too low (error guard)

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