Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

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presentationmode: if to show presentation choice in MAgentrecallonlyinsamecampaign: recalls allowed from other campaigns toodesireddropprate: optimal percent of calls wich cannot be assigned to operators (-1: disable, -2: dynamic)maxcallsperminute: max new call attempts/minute (-1: disable, -2: dynamic)maxcallatonce: max call launch/branch (used for additonal checking)statival: statistics recalculation interval in sec (-2: dynamic)stopwrongcdrc: will pause predective execution for 15 minute if subsecvent “stopwrongcdrc” calls are less than 8 sec to guard agains service<strong>provider</strong> errorscriptnavigation: allow script navigation in MAgent (0=no, 1=only forward, 2=only back, 3 = forward&back, 4 =all navigation, 5=allownavigation when not connected, 6=allow edit too)datainputmode: 1=store only in client and cc_client tables, 2=store in cc tables and to default field to, 3=store in cc tables and in script processing,4=store in all locationssavemode:1=automatic –will save on when moving to next question (don‟t display ok button)2=save only when the ok button was pressed3=with skip button4=ok+automatic5=cannot skip. user must press ok button to be able to move to next questionblockrejected: when the tb_ccampain_clients.rejected is set to 1 by operators, than will set tb_cclient.robinson to 1 automaticallyloginmessage: message to be displayed for the operators on MAgent launchallowopcampchange: allow operators to change their campaignmaxrecallbefore: callbacks can be initiatet “maxrecallbefore” minute before the specified timemaxrecallafter: callbacks can be initiated by the operator untill “maxrecallafter” minute after the specified time. if the operator is not able toreceive the call, than the call will be offered to other operators after maxrecallafter elapsed (and untill maxrecallafterall)maxrecallafterall: callbacks will be invalidated if not able to give to any operators when this timeout elapsequotastatrecalcival: quota statistics recalculation intervall (specified in second)Note: the predictive dialer is not so precise when started after a long time of inactivity. Accuracy also depends on the number of operators (moreoperator means more accuracy).4.9.11. Predictive dialerTo restrict the operator wait times, the calls can be prepared on the server side and dropped to operators when they are waiting for it.

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