Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

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Simcard fields:origgatewayid: original gateway for the simcard (gatewayid can be the virtual gateway)origline: original line for the simcard (line can point to the virtual engine)origsimpos: original position for the simcard (simpos can be the virtual position)lastpresent: last seen (date-time)presenterrors: simcard should be active but it is not active (counter)lastpreserror: last not found timeflyetosim: the current engine must bind to this sim (simid): -2 = err, -1 = not set, other = simid for the enginetodayfly: today flying minutes for the simcardthisweekfly: this week flying minutes for the simcardthismonthfly: this month flying minutes for the simcardcanfly: 10=never (manual), 20=unspecified, 30=no, 40 can accept, 50=can, 60=should, 70=must, 80= always (manual)importance: sim importance calculated for the next periodflytoorder: engine can accept flying simcard (engines with not so important simcards goes first)Fly Directions: (tb_flydirections)defines the fly routes and the minimum times between two gatewayssimpacket: applied only for this simpacket (if -1 than applies to all simpacket)fromgw: fly from this gatewaytogw: can fly to this gatewaymintime: minimum time in minutes between the two gatewayTechnical Details:gateway inifile:[phoneX]flylastupdate=datetimeflyvalidfor= 60000 //secondsflyto=ip/engine/simpos/simid //template

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