Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

Admin Guide - VoIP software provider

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5.80. Server supervisorThe mserver process has a builtin supervisor wich will do some integrity and whelth tests periodically and will do the required action on testfailure.In addition to this builtin procedure, you can start the vsupervisor service.The following settings are defined in the "supervisor" section:canrestartformalfunctions: if supervisor can do restarts (othervise only logs or emails the error). set to 0 to disable restarts default is 1checklogs: if to check logs. if set to false, then "maxnologival" will have no effect. Default is true.checkcpu: if to check cpu ussagecheckcallerids: check only cdr records that belongs to this caller. Example: 123,124checkprefixes: check only cdr records only with this techprefix. Example: '333','555'maxnocdrmin: restart if no cdr records for this number of minutes. Default is 20 (minutes).minacd or minacl: min ACD treshold. Default is 15 sec.minasr: min ASR treshold. Default is 3%.maxnologival: maximum number of minutes without new record in tb_logs. Default is 15 min.minactivesims: minumum number of active simcards. Default value is 0.minactiveendusers: min active endusers (with statusdate set in the last 20 min). Default value is 1.minactiveusers: min active users (some activity in the last 2 hour). Default value is 1.peaktimebegin or peaktimebegintr: peaktime start hour. Default is 9.peaktimeend or peaktimeendtr: peaktime end hour. Default is 19.weekendispeak: treat weekend as peaktime (same traffic ammount). Default is false.restartatnight: if to restart at every night. Default is false.restartpcatfirst: don't restrart the service. Restart the pc immediately.trafficammount: 0=after setupall values will be altered in offpeak and weekend times after these rules:maxnocdrmin2*=60;maxnologival2*=3;minasr2 = minasr2/2;minacl2 = minacl*2/3;minactivesims/3;

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