2011 report to congress - U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ...

2011 report to congress - U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ...

2011 report to congress - U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ...


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dkrause on DSKHT7XVN1PROD with $$_JOB176tions (ASEAN) Secretariat is also not likely a motivation ofa group interested only in economic gains. 135Cyber penetrations that do not target diverse victims can still indicatestate involvement. A February case study, called NightDragon, profiled an exploitation campaign against global companiesin the energy <strong>and</strong> petrochemical sec<strong>to</strong>rs. These sec<strong>to</strong>rs are of specialinterest <strong>to</strong> the Chinese government, which has designatedseven ‘‘strategic industries’’ for ‘‘absolute state control,’’ includingthe power generation <strong>and</strong> distribution industry, the oil <strong>and</strong> petrochemicalsindustry, <strong>and</strong> the coal industry. 136 (For more informationabout <strong>China</strong>’s strategic industries, see chap. 1, sec. 2, of this Report.)In another indication of institutional involvement, the NightDragon study’s authors noted that:[A]ll of the identified data exfiltration activity occurredfrom Beijing-based IP [intellectual property] addresses <strong>and</strong>operated inside the victim companies weekdays from 9:00a.m. <strong>to</strong> 5:00 p.m. Beijing time, which also suggests that theinvolved individuals were ‘company men’ working on a regularjob, rather than freelance or unprofessional hackers. 137While the study’s authors could not definitely identify the perpetra<strong>to</strong>rs,an opaque web-hosting company <strong>and</strong> its Sh<strong>and</strong>ong-basedopera<strong>to</strong>r appeared <strong>to</strong> be involved. 138 As described below, Sh<strong>and</strong>ongProvince is connected <strong>to</strong> several other penetrations over the pastseveral years.<strong>China</strong>-based hackers increasingly use indirect approaches <strong>to</strong> gainaccess <strong>to</strong> sensitive information systems. In June, Google announcedthat it had discovered a widespread but targeted ‘‘phishing’’ campaignthat had compromised Google Mail (Gmail) accounts.* Thecompany disclosed that:This campaign, which appears <strong>to</strong> originate from Jinan,<strong>China</strong>, affected what seem <strong>to</strong> be the personal Gmail accountsof hundreds of users including, among others, seniorU.S. government officials, Chinese political activists, officialsin several Asian countries (predominantly SouthKorea), military personnel <strong>and</strong> journalists. 139Aside from Gmail users, the campaign <strong>report</strong>edly affected certainU.S. government e-mail accounts at the Department of State, theDepartment of Defense, <strong>and</strong> the Defense Intelligence Agency. Theperpetra<strong>to</strong>rs leveraged access <strong>to</strong> compromised accounts <strong>to</strong> perpetuatethe campaign by spreading malicious software <strong>to</strong> the victims’contacts.† As the Commission <strong>report</strong>ed in 2009, Jinan, Sh<strong>and</strong>ongProvince, is the home of one of <strong>China</strong>’s Technical Reconnaissance* ‘‘Phishing’’ is ‘‘an attempt by an individual or group <strong>to</strong> solicit personal information fromunsuspecting users by employing social engineering techniques. Phishing emails are crafted <strong>to</strong>appear as if they have been sent from a legitimate organization or known individual. Theseemails often attempt <strong>to</strong> entice users <strong>to</strong> click on a link that will take the user <strong>to</strong> a fraudulentweb site that appears legitimate. The user then may be asked <strong>to</strong> provide personal informationsuch as account usernames <strong>and</strong> passwords that can further expose them <strong>to</strong> future compromises.Additionally, these fraudulent web sites may contain malicious code.’’ U.S. Computer EmergencyReadiness Team (U.S.–CERT), ‘‘Report Phishing.’’ http://www.us-cert.gov/nav/<strong>report</strong>lphishing.html.† This is called the ‘‘man-in-the-mailbox’’ technique. John Markoff <strong>and</strong> David Barboza, ‘‘F.B.I.<strong>to</strong> Investigate Gmail Attacks Said <strong>to</strong> Come From <strong>China</strong>,’’ New York Times, June 2, <strong>2011</strong>. http://www.nytimes.com/<strong>2011</strong>/06/03/technology/03google.html?lr=1.VerDate Nov 24 2008 13:46 Nov 10, <strong>2011</strong> Jkt 067464 PO 00000 Frm 00188 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 G:\GSDD\USCC\<strong>2011</strong>\067464.XXX 067464

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