2011 report to congress - U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ...

2011 report to congress - U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ...

2011 report to congress - U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ...


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dkrause on DSKHT7XVN1PROD with $$_JOBAPPENDIX IIBACKGROUND OF COMMISSIONERSThe Honorable William A. Reinsch, ChairmanChairman William Reinsch was reappointed <strong>to</strong> the Commissionby Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid for a term expiring December31, <strong>2011</strong>. Chairman Reinsch served as Under Secretary forExport Administration in the U.S. Department of Commerce. Ashead of the Bureau of Export Administration, later named the Bureauof Industry <strong>and</strong> <strong>Security</strong>, Chairman Reinsch was charged withadministering <strong>and</strong> enforcing the export control policies of the U.S.government, including its antiboycott laws. Major accomplishmentsduring his tenure included refocusing controls regarding economicglobalization, most notably on high-performance computers, microprocessors,<strong>and</strong> encryption, completing the first revisions of the ExportAdministration regulations in over 40 years. In addition, herevised the interagency process for reviewing applications <strong>and</strong> permittedelectronic filing of applications over the Internet.During this time, Chairman Reinsch delivered more than 200speeches <strong>and</strong> testified 53 times before various committees of theCongress. Before joining the Department of Commerce, Mr. Reinschwas a senior legislative assistant <strong>to</strong> Sena<strong>to</strong>r John Rockefeller <strong>and</strong>was responsible for the sena<strong>to</strong>r’s work on trade, international economicpolicy, foreign affairs, <strong>and</strong> defense. He also provided staffsupport for Sena<strong>to</strong>r Rockefeller’s related efforts on the FinanceCommittee <strong>and</strong> the Commerce, Science, <strong>and</strong> Transportation Committee.For over a decade, Chairman Reinsch served on the staff of Sena<strong>to</strong>rJohn Heinz as chief legislative assistant, focusing on foreigntrade <strong>and</strong> competitiveness policy issues. During that period, Sena<strong>to</strong>rHeinz was either the chairman or the ranking member of theSenate Banking Committee’s Subcommittee on International Finance.Sena<strong>to</strong>r Heinz was also a member of the InternationalTrade Subcommittee of the Finance Committee. Mr. Reinsch providedsupport for the sena<strong>to</strong>r on both subcommittees. This work includedfive revisions of the Export Administration Act <strong>and</strong> work onfour major trade bills. Prior <strong>to</strong> joining Sena<strong>to</strong>r Heinz’s staff, ChairmanReinsch was a legislative assistant <strong>to</strong> Representatives RichardOttinger <strong>and</strong> Gilbert Gude, acting staff direc<strong>to</strong>r of the House EnvironmentalStudy Conference, <strong>and</strong> a teacher in Maryl<strong>and</strong>.Today Chairman Reinsch is president of the National ForeignTrade Council. Founded in 1914, the council is the only businessorganization dedicated solely <strong>to</strong> trade policy, export finance, internationaltax, <strong>and</strong> human resources issues. The organization representsover 300 companies through its offices in New York City<strong>and</strong> Washing<strong>to</strong>n.(377)VerDate Nov 24 2008 13:46 Nov 10, <strong>2011</strong> Jkt 067464 PO 00000 Frm 00389 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 G:\GSDD\USCC\<strong>2011</strong>\067464.XXX 067464

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